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It's not much but it's honest work.

Today I did not get much done, too much going on when I got home from work, but I did manage to make myself a to-do list for tomorrow. I tried to identify everything that needs to be tweaked and compiled a list so I know where I should start tomorrow morning. I have been listening to this book on audible called Atomic Habits by James Clear, which has helped give me some ideas on how I can be more productive and better set myself up for success. I am only about half way through the book but it has been very good so far.

As of right now my schedule consists of me waking up at 6am, grabbing a cup of coffee and jumping right into wherever I left off the day before. Some mornings are more productive than others, but at the very least that hour allows me to review what I have and come up with a plan of attack for when I come home from work. I work as a para in a school and the hours run from 9:20 to 4:10. Not a terribly long day which is nice and gives me the flexibility to get some hours in before and after work. I walk to and from work, which is about 30 minutes each way, so I am usually able to be on my computer and studying/working by 5pm and go until around 7pm.

In total, during the week, I average about 2-3 hours per day which is spent going through TOP lessons/projects. Weekends I devote somewhere between 4-6 hours a day, since I tend to have more energy/time.

I could always put in more time to speed up the learning curve but I have come to the conclusion that I need at least 2-3 hours a day to unwind and I don't want to burn myself out. I'd rather it feel like something I get to do than something I have to do, and if I am stressing myself out trying to cram as much as possible then I run the risk of losing that drive.

As of right now, time is on my side and I am trying to enjoy the ride as much as possible. This stuff is HARD, very rewarding but mentally draining. Surprisingly enough, I find there are a lot of similarities between what I do at my job and coding. Both require a lot of problem solving which can take up a lot of mental energy. Part of me wishes I still had a job building furniture and moving boxes around a backroom, just to balance out what I am doing throughout the day.

All in all, I am lucky to be in the situation I am in now. Inching closer everyday to my goal, knowing that I am putting in the hours needed to make it happen.

Feels good.

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