Screenshots are awesome.
They’re a great way to show proof on pull requests, demonstrate features are complete on JIRA tickets, you name it. But let’s be honest… the default dumping ground isn’t cutting it.
Instead of hunting through a cluttered desktop, why not have your screenshots land neatly in your very own dedicated Screenshots folder?
Step 1: Create Your Screenshots Folder
Open Terminal, run: cd ~
This brings you to your home directory.
Make a new folder, run: mkdir Screenshots
This creates a fresh folder named “Screenshots”.
Open the folder in Finder, run: open .
Now you should see your brand-new Screenshots folder.
Step 2: Place the Folder in Your Dock
Drag your newly created Screenshots folder to the right side of your Dock (the spot reserved for files, folders, and the Trash). It’ll snap in next to your Downloads folder, making it easy to find.
Step 3: Redirect Your Screenshot Saves
Now, let’s make your Mac save screenshots to this folder automatically.
In Terminal, run: defaults write location ~/Screenshots
Refresh the screenshot service, run: killall SystemUIServer
That’s it. From now on, your screenshots will be neatly organized in one place. No more scrambling around your desktop.
This helps me stay organized. I hope it does the same for you!
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