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Rishav Mazumdar
Rishav Mazumdar

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Developing a 3D game which runs on your browser

So it all begins with a person who is inspired to develop games, but is experienced in web development and has no prior experience with C#. Yes, that person is me 😅. I an a web developer who had previously created a few basic 2D games like PONG, Snake etc using javascript and PyGame but never explored the 3D version of game development, until this year when I discovered this awesome Javascript library Three.js.

I have created a 3D TPP game which sets your character in a sandbox world where you can move around, eliminate bots, or get eliminated by them.
Along with this, I have also used the previous knowledge I had about backend and developed a multiplayer mode where all the joined users are synchronized to enable a smooth gameplay.

Some useful links👀

Github Repository


Hmm, that seems enough of an introduction... Let's elaborate further

Singleplayer Mode

A screenshot of singleplayer mode

Some exciting features added:

  • The terrain generation is random, and may reset every time the page is refreshed.
  • Position of bots is handled by spatial QuadTree, which reduces the load on processor by handling only the nearest bots movement (not all the bots on the map)
  • Added dense fog for a better battleground appearance
  • Moving water (cause why not?)
  • Some bots chase you, and may damage you if too near
  • Switch weapons(for Melee attack) and destroy bots
  • Shoot projectiles to destroy bots

Multiplayer Mode

A screenshot of multiplayer mode

Some exciting features added:

  • Usernames hover above the players
  • Syncing of user positions in real time using SocketIO
  • A real time chat feature for better experience

System Architecture


A schematic view of frontend design

Followed OOP patterns to enable efficient handling of shared variables, repeating blocks of code and dependencies


A schematic view of backend structure

Used SocketIO for syncing of all the clients, and NodeJS as backend

Ending notes😅:

  • The server for multiplayer mode is currently down, had some deployment issues due to heavy traffic, would figure out some solution in a while.
  • There might be some bugs, if found you may report it here

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