DEV Community

Ritik Yadav
Ritik Yadav

Posted on

BloodHub - Connecting Lives, One Drop at a Time

**Frontend (React):

App Component (App.jsx):
Layout and structure of the entire application.
Routing setup for different pages.
Donor Registration Component (DonorRegistration.jsx):
Form for donors to register.
Interaction with the backend to save donor information.
Receiver Registration Component (ReceiverRegistration.jsx):
Form for receivers to register.
Interaction with the backend to save receiver information.
Statistics Component (Statistics.jsx):
Display statistics using data fetched from the backend.

Global Styles (styles.css):
Basic styling for the entire application.
Backend (Node.js with SQLite):
Server Setup (server.js):

Express server setup.
Middleware setup (body-parser, etc.).
Static file serving (for React build files).
Database setup (SQLite).

Donor Registration Route (donorRoutes.js):
Endpoint for donor registration.
Interaction with the SQLite database to store donor information.
Receiver Registration Route (receiverRoutes.js):
Endpoint for receiver registration.
Interaction with the SQLite database to store receiver information.
Statistics Route (statisticsRoutes.js):
Endpoint to fetch statistics.
Interaction with the SQLite database to retrieve relevant data.
Database (database.js):

SQLite database setup and connection.
Schema definition for donors and receivers.
Functions for database operations (insert, retrieve, etc.).
Additional Considerations:
User Authentication:

Separate components and routes for user authentication (if needed).
Notification System:

Component and backend logic for managing notifications.
Search Functionality:

Component and backend logic for searching donors or receivers.
Real-time Updates:

Implement real-time updates using WebSocket or a similar technology.
Mobile Responsiveness:

Ensure that the frontend is responsive for various device sizes.
Privacy Controls:

Implement features to control user privacy and data access.

Configure deployment scripts and settings for hosting.

Implement testing for both frontend and backend components.

Create documentation for developers and users.

Project will start on: 10 January, 2024

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