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Riyad Hossain
Riyad Hossain

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Practical Examples of TypeScript

TypeScript is a popular superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features to improve the development experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical examples of TypeScript that demonstrate how it can be used to solve common development challenges. Rather than focusing solely on syntax, we’ll dive into actual code examples. So, let’s get started!

What is TypeScript & its advangates
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing, as well as other features like interfaces, classes, enums, and more. TypeScript was developed by Microsoft and released in 2012 and has since gained popularity among web developers due to its ability to catch errors at compile time and improve the maintainability and scalability of code.

One of the main benefits of using TypeScript is that it helps catch errors early in the development process. By adding static types to variables, functions, and classes, TypeScript can detect type-related errors before the code is even run. This can save developers a significant amount of time and effort in debugging and testing.

1.Data Types

let _id; // Implicit Declearation
let fb_id: any; // Explicit Declearation
fb_id = true;
fb_id = 23423523;

const firstName = "Riyad";
const lastName: string = "Hossain";
let isLoading: boolean;
isLoading = false;

let roll: string | number = 423;
roll = "423";

let device: string | number | boolean; // Union Type
device = "Mobile";
device = 4323523;

const re: RegExp = /\w+/g;
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2. Function

// 2.1 Optionl & Default param
const sum = (
  a: number,
  b: number,
  c?: string, // Optional param
  d: number = 0 // Default param
): number | string => {
  let result: string | number;
  result = a + b + d;
  if (c) {
    result = a + b + c;
  return result;

// 2.2 Function Signature
type mathFunc = (a: number, b: number) => number;

const multiply: mathFunc = (num1, num2) => {
  return num1 * num2;

const subtract = (num1: number = 10, num2?: number) => {
  if (typeof num2 !== "undefined") {
    return num1 - num2;
  return num1;

subtract(undefined, 5); // To avoid sending param use undefined

// 2.3 Rest param
const sumAll = (a: number, ...numbers: number[]): number => {
  return a + numbers.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr);

// 2.4 'never' return type
const errorMsg = (msg: string): never => {
  // By default return type is - never
  throw new Error(msg);

// 2.5 Custom type guard
const isNumber = (a: any): boolean => {
  return typeof a === "number" ? true : false;

// 2.6 Usage of 'never' return type
const showStr = (a: number | string): string => {
  if (typeof a === "number") return "Number";
  if (typeof a === "string") return "String";
  return errorMsg("This should not happen");
  // 'never' return type preventing to compile error as this func return type is 'string'
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3. Array

const anyTypeString = [];
const anyTypeString2: any[] = [];

const stringArr = ["Hello", "how", "are", "you"];
const stringArr2: string[] = ["Hello", "how", "are", "you"];
// X - stringArr.push(34)

const strAndNum = ["Hi", 143];
const strAndNum2: (string | number)[] = ["Hi", 143];
// X - strAndNum2[0](boolean)

const mixedData = ["bye", true, 77];
const mixedData2: (string | boolean | number)[] = ["bye", true, 77];
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4. Tuple

const myTuple: [string, number, boolean] = ["hello", 143, false];
// X - const myTuple: [string, number, boolean, number] = ['hello', 143, false]
let anArr = ["hello1", 234, true];

myTuple[1] = 777;

anArr = myTuple;
// X - myTuple = Array
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5. Object & Type & Interface

let myObj = {};
myObj = anArr;

myObj = {
  name: "Riyad",
  age: 22,

const alAmin: {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  premeum?: boolean;
} = {
  name: "Jobayer",
  age: 26,
  premeum: true,

type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  premeum?: boolean;

We also can use 'interface' instead of 'type'. Syntax: interface Person {} interface is more preferrable on object & class.

let jobayer: Person = {
  name: "Jobayer",
  age: 26,
  premeum: true,

let sadik: Person = {
  name: "Sadik",
  age: 24,

/* type/interface in Function */
const greetPerson = (personObj: Person): string => {
  return `Hello ${}`;

const personIsPremium = (personObj: Person): string => {
  let result: string;
    X - result = personObj.premeum.toString()
    'personObj.premeum' is possibly 'undefined'

  result = + personObj.premeum;
  return result;
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6. Enum

enum Alphabet {
  A = 1,

// If not assigned the first value- enum Alphabet { A , B, C, D, E }
console.log(Alphabet.C); // 0

// If assigned the first value
console.log(Alphabet.C); // 3
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7. Alias & Literal Types

// 7.1 Type Alias
type numberOrString = number | string;
type stringOrNumArr = (string | number)[];

let job_id: numberOrString;

type Programmer = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  devices: stringOrNumArr; // Can be used in another alias

// 7.2 Literal Type
let myName: "Riyad";
let userName: "Riyad" | "Jobayer" | "Sadik" | "Al-amin";
userName = "Jobayer";
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8. Type Assertion

type strType = string
type strOrNum = string | number
type tsType = 'TypeScript'

let ts: strType = 'TypeScript'
let ts2 = ts as strType // less specific
let typeScript = ts as tsType // more specific

let myStr = <strType>'Riyad'
let myStr2 = <number | string>'Riyad'

const addOrConcat = (a: number, b: number, c: 'add' | 'concat'): number | string => {
  if (c === 'add') return a + b
  return '' + a + b
let myVal: string = addOrConcat(2, 2, 'concat') as string // To prevent getting error

// The DOM
const img = document.querySelector('img')!
const myImg = document.getElementById('#img') as HTMLImageElement
const nextImg = <HTMLImageElement>document.getElementById('#img')

const year = document.getElementById("year") as HTMLSpanElement
const thisYear: string = new Date().getFullYear().toString()
year.setAttribute("datetime", thisYear)
year.textContent = thisYear
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9. TS Classes

// 9.1 Basic Class__________
class Individual {
  //   name: string;
  //   age: number;
  //   occupation: string;
  //   exp: number;

  // Don't need to write explicitly in the above if you define the type like following
    public readonly name: string,
    readonly age: number,
    protected exp: number, // accessible within class & subclasses
    private occupation: string // accessible within class
  ) { = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.occupation = occupation;
    this.exp = exp;

  getOccupation() {
    return `${} is a ${this.occupation}`;

const Riyad = new Individual("Riyad", 22, 2, "St Engineer");
// console.log(Riyad.occupation) - Property 'occupation' is private and only accessible within class 'Individual'
// console.log(Riyad.exp) - Property 'exp' is protected and only accessible within class 'Individual' and its subclasses

// 9.2 Subclass_________
class Engineer extends Individual {
    name: string,
    age: number,
    occupation: string,
    exp: number,
    readonly lang: string = "TypeScript" // Default Value
  ) {
    super(name, age, exp, occupation);
    this.lang = lang;

  getExp(): string {
    return `I've ${this.exp} years of exp`;

const SadikEngeer = new Engineer("Sadik", 25, "Std Engeer", 2);


// 9.3 Interface__________
interface Player {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  play(action: string): string;

class Cricketer implements Player {
  constructor(public name: string, public readonly age: number) { = name;
    this.age = age;

  play(action: string): string {
    return `${} is ${action}`;

const Mashrafee = new Cricketer("Mashrafee", 32);
console.log("bowling")); // Mashrafee is bowling

// 9.5 Static____________
class People {
  static count: number = 0;
  static getCount(): number {
    return People.count;

  public id: number;

  constructor(public name: string) { = name; = ++People.count; // accessable because of static type

const John = new People("John");
const Steve = new People("Steve");
const Amy = new People("Amy");

console.log(; // 1
console.log(; // 2
console.log(; // 3
console.log(People.count); // 3

// 9.6 Setter & Getter___________
class School {
  private students: string[];
  constructor() {
    this.students = [];

  public get student(): string[] {
    return this.students;

  public set student(data: string[]) {
    this.students = data;

const MySchool = new School();
MySchool.student = ["Neil Young", "Led Zep"];
MySchool.student = [...MySchool.student, "ZZ Top"];
// MySchool.student = ['Van Halen', 5150] - must be string data
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10. Index Signature, typeof Assertion & Record utility

// 10.1 Index Signature & keyof Assertion______________
interface income {
  salary: number;
  sidehustle: number;
  passiveIncome: number;

const riyadIncome: income = {
  salary: 2000,
  sidehustle: 100,
  passiveIncome: 50,

const prop: string = "salary";
// console.log(riyadIncome[prop]) - Error

for (const key in riyadIncome) {
  console.log(`${key}: ${riyadIncome[key as keyof income]}`); // keyof Assertion (1st way)

const getValue = (obj: income, key: keyof income) => {
  console.log(`${key}: ${obj[key]}`);

Object.keys(riyadIncome).map((key) => {
  console.log(riyadIncome[key as keyof typeof riyadIncome]); // keyof Assertions (2nd way)

interface income2 {
  [index: string]: number; // To access dynamically
  salary: number;
  sidehustle: number;
  passiveIncome: number;

const riyadIncome2: income2 = {
  salary: 2000,
  sidehustle: 100,
  passiveIncome: 50,

const prop2: string = "salary";
console.log(riyadIncome2["hello"]); // Undefined

// 10.2 Record______________

// interface Incomes {
//     [key: string]: number
// }

type Streams = "salary" | "bonus" | "sidehustle";

type Incomes = Record<Streams, number>;
/* Similar to-
type Incomes = {
    salary: number;
    sidehustle: number;
    bonus: number;
} */

const monthlyIncomes: Incomes = {
  salary: 500,
  bonus: 100,
  sidehustle: 250,

const prop3: string = "bonus";
// console.log(monthlyIncomes[prop3]) Can't do that

for (const revenue in monthlyIncomes) {
  console.log(monthlyIncomes[revenue as keyof Incomes]);
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11. TS Generics

// 11.1 Basic Generic Usage
const myFunc = <T>(arg: T): T => {
  return arg;

interface ObjInterface<T> {
  value: T;

interface HasID {
  id: number;

const myObj2 = <T extends HasID>(arg: T): T => {
  return arg;

// console.log(myObj2({ name: "Riyad" })) - Have to provide id property as extending from HasID
console.log(myObj2({ id: 23, name: "Riyad" }));

// 11.2 Advance Usage
const getUserProp = <T extends HasID, K extends keyof T>(
  users: T[],
  key: K
): T[K][] => {
  return => user[key]);

const usersArray = [
    id: 1,
    name: "Leanne Graham",
    username: "Bret",
    email: "",
    address: {
      street: "Kulas Light",
      suite: "Apt. 556",
      city: "Gwenborough",
      zipcode: "92998-3874",
      geo: {
        lat: "-37.3159",
        lng: "81.1496",
    phone: "1-770-736-8031 x56442",
    website: "",
    company: {
      name: "Romaguera-Crona",
      catchPhrase: "Multi-layered client-server neural-net",
      bs: "harness real-time e-markets",
    id: 2,
    name: "Ervin Howell",
    username: "Antonette",
    email: "",
    address: {
      street: "Victor Plains",
      suite: "Suite 879",
      city: "Wisokyburgh",
      zipcode: "90566-7771",
      geo: {
        lat: "-43.9509",
        lng: "-34.4618",
    phone: "010-692-6593 x09125",
    website: "",
    company: {
      name: "Deckow-Crist",
      catchPhrase: "Proactive didactic contingency",
      bs: "synergize scalable supply-chains",

const allEmails = getUserProp(usersArray, "email"); // It's showing suggetions based on its dynamic arguments

// 11.3 Generics in Class
class Country<T> {
  private resources: T;
  constructor(resources: T) {
    this.resources = resources;

  get data(): T {
    return this.resources;

  set data(arg: T) {
    this.resources = arg;

const Bangladesh = new Country("DB"); // const Bangladesh: Country<string>
console.log(; = "USA";
// = 12 - Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'

const myCountry = new Country<string | number>("Canada"); = 42;
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12. Utility

// 12.1 Partial
interface student {
  name: string;
  roll: number;
  age: number;
  dept?: string;

const personalInfo: Partial<student> = { name: "Riyad", age: 22 };

const updateStInfo = (student: student, newInfo: Partial<student>): student => {
  return { ...student, ...newInfo };

const sadikInfo: student = {
  name: "Sadik",
  roll: 22,
  age: 24,

const sadikUpdated = updateStInfo(sadikInfo, { dept: "CSE" });

// 12.2 Required & Readonly
const storeStudent = (student: Required<student>): student => {
  return student;

const jkInfo: student = {
  name: "Sadik",
  roll: 22,
  age: 24,

const jk: Readonly<student> = storeStudent({ ...jkInfo, dept: "CSE" }); // For Required- have to pass optional prop
const jkAge = jk.age;
// jk.age = 22 - Cannot assign to 'age' because it is a read-only property

// 12.3 Record
const income: Record<string, number> = {
  sadik: 15000,
  jk: 20000,
  shorif: 50000,

type Hero = "Superman" | "Spiderman" | "Hulk";
type Power = "spider-net" | "stronger" | "much-power";

const superHeroes: Record<Hero, Power> = {
  Superman: "much-power",
  Spiderman: "spider-net",
  Hulk: "much-power",

// 12.4 Pick & Omit
type personalInfo = Pick<student, "name" | "age">;
type dept = Omit<student, "age" | "roll">;

const student1: personalInfo = { name: "someone", age: 23 };
const student2: dept = { name: "someone", dept: 'sth' };

// 12.5 Exclude & Extract
type serial = Exclude<Hero, "age">
type age = Extract<Power, "age" | "dept">

// 12.6 NonNullable
type AllPossibleGrades = 'Dave' | 'John' | null | undefined
type NamesOnly = NonNullable<AllPossibleGrades>

// 12.7 ReturnType
const createNewAssign = (title: string, points: number) => {
    return { title, points }

type NewAssign = ReturnType<typeof createNewAssign> // can define types with the help of another func

const tsAssign: NewAssign = createNewAssign("Utility Types", 100)

// 12.8 Parameters
type paramType = Parameters<typeof createNewAssign> // type paramType = [title: string, points: number]

const assignArgs: paramType = ["Generics", 100]
const tsAssign2: NewAssign = createNewAssign(...assignArgs)

// 12.9 Awaited
interface User {
    id: number,
    name: string,
    username: string,
    email: string,

const fetchUsers = async (): Promise<User[]> => {

    const data = await fetch(
    ).then(res => {
        return res.json()
    }).catch(err => {
        if (err instanceof Error) console.log(err.message)
    return data

type FetchUsersReturnType = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof fetchUsers>>

fetchUsers().then(users => console.log(users))
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Top comments (4)

acode123 profile image

Nice Job! Consider adding some more explanations to each code.

riyadhossain profile image
Riyad Hossain

Sure, I'll. Thanks for your valuable feedback

sergiionyx profile image

Not correct

  1. Enum enum Alphabet { A = 1, B, C, D, E, } // If not assigned the first value- enum Alphabet { A , B, C, D, E } console.log(Alphabet.C); // 0 // If assigned the first value console.log(Alphabet.C); // 3

// If you don't assign values to enum members TypeScript automatically assigns incremental
// values starting from 0.
enum Alphabet {
A, // 0
B, // 1
C, // 2
D, // 3
E // 4
console.log(Alphabet.C); // 2

righttrianglesrkewl3 profile image
Kevin Zehnder

Very helpful thank you for the time you put into making this.

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