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Become an Ecosystem Partner

Developing and growing your reach through an Extensibility Ecosystem strategy is a vital part of any organization’s overall strategy.

Why Should You Become an Ecosystem Partner?

Whether you’re a developer of a newly launched solution, or part of a larger, enterprise-level organization, you want to get your product in front of potential customers. Therefore, developing and growing your reach through an Extensibility Ecosystem strategy is a vital part of any organization’s overall strategy.

At Auth0, we consider extensibility to be one of our essential product capabilities. While our endless options for integrations are an excellent way to customize your own unique solution, it can be difficult and time-consuming for our customers to figure out how to implement them.

Enter the Auth0 Marketplace.

We built the Marketplace as a way to connect our customers with service providers and builders who implement these types of integrations regularly. Listing your integration with Auth0 promotes your company with our customers who are looking to do more with their authentication pipeline.


What is an Ecosystem Partner?

More and more SasS companies are offering developer customers the flexibility and capability to stay within their own ecosystem as much as possible in order to find solutions that fit their own and their customers’ needs. A rich and diverse catalog of integrations can give developers all the low and no-code capabilities they need to build out their own customer journey.

Auth0 provides an authentication and authorization service built on open standards like OIDC, OAuth2, SAML, and others. But, more than that, we provide tools so our customers can outsource user centralization and management alongside components of application security, and we also help connect networks of applications to a single source of identity.

An important part of this is enabling partners, such as yourself, to create an ecosystem of integrations that can be used to enhance and extend what we already provide. We do this by providing extensibility points and methods to allow customization. This means more functionality for customers with less maintenance burden for them.

Almost 90% of our customers extend the Auth0 platform for their unique requirements. By working with you to solve common identity problems and use cases, we can expedite the time it takes our customers to implement their identity workflows.

Joining Auth0 as an ecosystem partner by building and marketing your Action Integration has some very important opportunities to take advantage of.


Audience Reach

Auth0 has more than 90k active tenants in production. Some customers have multiple tenants, and some only have one, but this is a large reach of potential customers for your Action Integration. Once your Action Integration is in the Marketplace, customers will have the opportunity to discover, consider, and install your integration into their customer identification flow.


Once you’ve successfully published your Action Integration into the Marketplace, take the next step to expand your reach through GTM initiatives. While we encourage you to drive some GTM initiatives on your own, we also have many opportunities for you to market your integration with us. From blogs and newsletters to demand generation and webinar programs, we have multiple opportunities to help you market your integration.

Early to market

The earlier you create your Action Integration and are published to the Marketplace, the better chance you have of creating your own virtuous cycle of early adopters of your integration, marketing your case study, and growing your customers through the ecosystem.

Take advantage of Actions technology

Auth0’s new universal extensibility toolset - Actions - is the latest advancement on our commitment to delivering best-in-class extensibility to developers. Developers can take advantage of the easy-to-use interface, drag and drop functionality, version control, a serverless environment, pre-production testing, and debugging.


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