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Rob OLeary
Rob OLeary

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Is Lighthouse a misleading performance tool?

Google calls Lighthouse "an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages". It is not a performance tool per se, but a prominent feature is giving feedback on a webpage's performance. It is a big challenge to get a top performance score for mobile in Lighthouse. If you have tried to attain a top score in Lighthouse -- it may have made you doubt yourself, the tool, or both! Let's explore Lighthouse to see why this is.

Is Lighthouse misleading, or is it a misunderstanding?

Issue 1 - The scoring scale is not linear

You may think that the performance score is linear where a score of 100 is 10% better than a score of 90, but that is not the case. Actually the score follows a curved distribution, here is the score curve of the Time to Interactive (TTI) metric:

TTI score curve

Google mentions this in their docs when they discuss how scores are color coded:

To provide a good user experience, sites should strive to have a good score (90-100). A "perfect" score of 100 is extremely challenging to achieve and not expected. For example, taking a score from 99 to 100 needs about the same amount of metric improvement that would take a 90 to 94.

This characteristic of the calculation of the performance score means that the effort you put in to improve your score will vary depending on where you are on the curve. To make an analogy, it is like a runner putting in equal effort throughout a race:

  • Running downhill: the runner will run faster;
  • On the flat: the runner will run at their regular pace;
  • Uphill: the runner will run slower.

Perhaps, you did not expect this from a scoring system from zero to 100. I didn't! After all the word percent means "one part in a hundred". This misunderstanding could have been mitigated if a different range or distribution was chosen. Maybe, it would trip less people up if they showed the score as a point on the curve for each metric?

You can dig into the details of the scoring algorithm to understand it more deeply.

Issue 2 - Scores can vary a lot

If you run Lighthouse on the same website using the same computer on the same network multiple times, you will get variable results. This feels weird at first. I'm repeating the exact same thing and getting a different result? Is this a bug or a warped reality?

Google says the following on score variability:

A lot of the variability in your overall Performance score and metric values is not due to Lighthouse. When your Performance score fluctuates it's usually because of changes in underlying conditions. Common problems include:

  • A/B tests or changes in ads being served
  • Internet traffic routing changes
  • Testing on different devices, such as a high-performance desktop and a low-performance laptop
  • Browser extensions that inject JavaScript and add/modify network requests
  • Antivirus software

It is not due to Lighthouse? 🤔 Are we are trying to handcuff lightning here? 😏

How variable can it be?

Take testing on different hardware. The swing can be dramatic. Zach Leatherman discussed this in an article -- The Art of Deception, Lighthouse Score Edition -- running Lighthouse on a Macbook (2012) versus a MacBook Air (M1, 2020) resulted in a 30 point swing! That's a lot.

It appears that you can mitigate the impact of hardware by running Lighthouse through PageSpeed Insights (PSI), Google's web-based user experience tool. I guess this hits a particular set of servers consistently.

Google gives a full list of the technical factors for these variances if you want to get into the nitty gritty.

The advice in Lighthouse's GitHub repo to reduce variability is to "run Lighthouse multiple times and beware of variability before drawing conclusions about a performance-impacting change". Why not build this behaviour into Lighthouse to reduce variability?

WebPageTest is a rival web performance tool and their default behaviour is to give a median performance score based on 3 runs. The WebPageTest team have been critical of the consistency of Lighthouse results. It is possible to run Lighthouse through WebPageTest, and they claim they can provide more consistent results from Lighthouse because they provide a more consistent test environment.

While some variability between tests is to be expected, by providing a consistent test environment for all Lighthouse runs, WebPageTest helps to minimize that variability and provide a realistic and repeatable point of comparison.

They point to Lighthouse's use of simulated throttling as one source of variability that could be mitigated.

By default, Lighthouse uses simulated throttling: the test gets run without throttling, and then Lighthouse simulates what a throttled load might look like based on the unthrottled results.

WebPageTest, on the other hand, uses packet-level throttling for all tests, including Lighthouse tests run through WebPageTest. Because packet-level throttling enables network shaping at the packet-level, it's a far more accurate modeling of real network-conditions (there's a fascinating study by the Lighthouse team about throttling accuracy if you want to wade into the weeds on the topic).

Issue 3 - The vast majority of websites are ranked as not good

Let's go back to 2020, this was when Google made a big change regarding their performance rating -- they introduced the Core Web Vitals. I want to discuss this timeframe because it was the last point where there is clear comparable data between the performance metric set (5 metrics) and the Core Web Vitals (3 metrics). The Core Web Vitals is a subset of the performance metric set.

The Core Web Vitals was introduced as an effort to simplify things. To quote Google:

Site owners should not have to be performance gurus in order to understand the quality of experience they are delivering to their users. The Web Vitals initiative aims to simplify the landscape, and help sites focus on the metrics that matter most, the Core Web Vitals.

The Web Almanac 2020 edition demonstrated in their performance review of the web that Lighthouse reported 0.7% of websites having a mobile performance score of 100, and 5.7% of websites were in the good category (90-100). Was web performance really that bad? Or is the bar too high?

Graph of distribution of lighthouse scores between version 5 and version 6

I used the same dataset as the Web Alamanac to extrapolate how many websites fell into the "good" catgegory for that period. The data can be found in this Google spreadsheet.

I was trying to understand how Google picks the good category thresholds and this is their clearest explanation, specifically for the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric:

Based on real website data, top-performing sites render LCP in about 1,220ms, so that metric value is mapped to a score of 99.

Going a bit deeper, the Lighthouse scoring curve model uses HTTPArchive data to determine two control points that then set the shape of a log-normal curve. The 25th percentile of HTTPArchive data becomes a score of 50 (the median control point), and the 8th percentile becomes a score of 90 (the good/green control point).

Does that mean that the upper 8% of the data represents a score of 90 and above? I don't get their explanation to be honest! 😕 Although it sounds about right based on my previous analysis from the Web Almanac.

Barry Pollard did some analysis of Lighthouse scores across the web by querying data on the HTTP Archive in his article, What do Lighthouse Scores look like across the web?, and the results are similiar. He said the following about top level scores:

[..] 90% of sites score 80 or less on Performance or, to put it another way, only 10% of sites score higher than 80 in the Performance category.

It will always be that only a small portion of websites achieve a "good" performance score because it is the upper 8th percentile that make up this category. If web peformance dramatically improved across millions of websites overnight, the bar will be raised and even more is required to get into the "good" category.

Based on the same data (the Chrome User Experience Report data that is available through the HTTP archive) for the same approximate period (August to October 2020), 22.3% of pages passed all 3 Core Web Vital metrics with a "good" score. More websites pass the Core Web Vitals than get a "good" performance score in Lighthouse.

In the subsequent years, refinements to the performance scoring have been made. The latest version of Lighthouse is 10. Five of the same metrics are used in the scoring since version 6, the thresholds and weights have been tweaked. A new metric called Interaction to Next Paint (INP) has been introduced recently and will replace First Input Delay (FID) in March 2024 as a Core Web Vital metric.

What I find strange is that Lighthouse in Chrome's devtools does not mention Core Web Vitals at all. It still gives the performance score on 5 metrics. Why give people the more complex and more challenging set of metrics then?

lighthouse scores for

No mention of Core Web Vitals in results for Lighthouse in the browser devtools

For defining the thresholds, Google explains the science behind the thresholds related to human perception thresholds and relevant HCI research. The thresholds are based on how we percieve things, but how achievable is that on the web? Google says the following in their article on defining thresholds:

To confirm that a threshold is achievable, we require that at least 10% of origins currently meet the "good" threshold. Additionally, to ensure that well-optimized sites are not misclassified due to variability in field data, we also verify that well-optimized content consistently meets the "good" threshold.

So with all the numbers mentioned, the minimum requirement by Google is that 10% of the web is classified as meeting the "good" performance threshold for the Core Web Vitals. That sounds like the Core Web Vitals are a bit more lenient than the overall performance set, but are still very challenging.

We can see figures for the Core Web Vitals for the last 3 plus years on HTTPArchive, the percentage of origins passing the Core Web Vitals for mobile has increased from 22.6% to 40.7%.

Passing rate of Core web vitals graphed from 2020 to 2023. Mobile performance score has improved from 22.3% to 40.7%

I would love to see the same graph for the overall performance score. My guess is that would be a lot lower.

Issue 4 - Is it field data or lab data?

It is important to understand the difference between lab data and field data. Lighthouse is a lab-based tool, also known as a synthetic tool.

Lab data is collected within a controlled environment with predefined device and network settings. Its main use is for debugging performance issues because it provides a reproducible testing and debugging environment. The downside is that lab data does not capture real-world bottlenecks well.

Field data is performance data collected from real page loads your users are experiencing in the wild. Tools that gather field data are often referred to as Real User Monitoring (RUM) tools. Field data captures true real-world user experience.PageSpeed Insights uses the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) dataset to augment lab data provided by Lighthouse for the same metrics. However, your page or origin may not be in the dataset because it is not publicly discoverable or there are not a large enough number of visitors in order to create a statistically significant dataset.

A good example of this dicothomy is to view a PSI report on, this is Google's blog that has a lot of information on Lighthouse. You can see the result of the very test I ran at this URL:

PageSpeed Insights report on

Lighthouse reported a performance score of 96, but it failed the Core Web Vitals! At a glance, it can look like a mistake! How did that happen?

It is because PSI reports different figures for the LCP metric for the Core Web Vitals and the overall performance score (see yellow highlights in screenshot below)! The figures are different because PSI uses field data from the CrUX dataset for the Core Web Vitals (when it is available) in the first section, whereas lab data is used for the performance score in the second section.

You may miss this! Having 2 different metric sets using 2 different datasets side by side was confusing for me initially. Also, if you are focusing on the Core Web Vitals, there are 2 sets based on the testing method:

  • Lab testing in Lighthouse: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), Total Blocking Time (TBT).
  • Field testing in PageSpeed Insights: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), First Input Delay (FID).

Previously, the PSI report was more explicit about whether field data or lab data is being used the results shown. Here is an example screenshot of the PSI report from a few years ago:

PSI report from 2021 has a different UI than now. It shows that

I think that the updates to the UI look prettier but are less apparent.

You can read more about how think of tools in How To Think About Speed Tools by

Issue 5 - Mobile or Desktop?

When people discuss and compare Lighthouse scores, often they take screenshots to keep a record. There is no indication in the UI if results are for mobile or desktop. The thresholds for mobile performance are higher. This is avenue for mistakes and misrepresentation.

lighthouse scores for

Is this a Mobile or Desktop score?

There has been discussion about adding a visual indicator to make the mode more obvious, but it has not made it into Chrome devtools!

Issue 6 - People inevitably aim for near perfect scores

Inevitably, people aim to get a near perfect performance score. People take pride in what they do and want to point to something they made, and say "check out the performance of this". If you build a tool with high thresholds, then you put achieving a top score out of reach for some types of websites and web applications. There is no differentiation between a demanding web store like amazon, a web application like Google Docs, and a personal website.

To highlight this situation, there is a discussion thread, "Instruction to get score 100 on the mobile" on the Lighthouse GithHub repo:

I have used the lighthouse to monitor a website for the performance. However, it's really hard to get 100 score for the mobile. I only can get the score 100 for the mobile with the site that contains only a static text without css, javascript.

I'm not sure if lighthouse team considers that the website contains only a static text is popular nowaday for the modern website.

Of course, the PWA is not standard today yet and even for the PWA, we must load for "full state" mode as well.

I was surprised by this a while back too. I approached rebuilding my personal website by starting with the simplest possible homepage. I had no images, quite a small stylesheet, and I think I used 3 web fonts. It did not get a "good" mobile score! I had to optimize these assets to climb into the 90's.

Another part of this is that when numbers are involved, it can led to a competitive element. Frameworks and libraries lean into this to promote the speed and performance of their offering. Eleventy has a leaderboard that uses a Lighthouse-based plugin called speedlify to rank websites.

eleventy website leaderboard

Is Lighthouse suitable for comparing sites in this way? 🤨

Final thoughts

Measuring web performance is a difficult proposition. We are not making homogeneous web-based products in an uniform way. This makes it a challenge to define what is good performance for something on the web. Google has been active in defining what is good performance through its metrics and tools, and has a big say on the matter.

Google calls Lighthouse "an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages". It inspects a few different facets of a webpage in its audits such as: performance, SEO, and accessibility. It is not a performance auditing tool per se, but it has a big presence in that space because Google made it, put it into Chrome, and announced it that the Core Web Vitals metrics are a factor in their search ranking!

Lighthouse is primarily a lab-based tool that is used for performance debugging. It has some characteristics that are not apparent. The scoring calculation is byzantine, results can be very variable, and it is very difficult to get a "good" performance score for mobile. As I covered in this article, some of it can attributed to the need to understand web performance and Lighthouse fairly well, but in some ways Lighthouse is misleading.

Google says a perfect mobile performance score of 100 is "extremely challenging to achieve". Their approach to performance classification is a lot more stick than carrot. In late 2020, by Lighthouse's classification less than 6% of web origins were deemed to have attained "good" performance, whereas 22.3% passed the Core Web Vital metrics. The Core Web Vital is a more lenient set of metrics.

The Core Web Vitals has made more businesses pay attention to web performance. As the Web Almanac put it in 2022 performance review:

Google’s decision to make CWV [Core Web Vital] part of search ranking catapulted performance to the top of many companies’ roadmaps, especially in the SEO industry. Individual site owners are certainly working hard to improve their performance and played a major role in the CWV improvements over the last year, even if those individual efforts are much harder to spot at this scale.

The percentage of origins passing the Core Web Vitals for mobile at the time of writing is 40.7%.

The aim of the Web Vitals initiative was to simplify the performance landscape, it hasn't done that well in my opinion. There is a lack of clarity and focus. Your performance score is still based on the complete set of metrics. The complete metric set is shown in Chrome's devtools, which is where many people encounter Lighthouse for the first time.

The CWV metrics haven't been embraced fully anywhere really. PSI shows the CWV metrics first, but 3 more metrics sit right alongside them. It does not give a clear message to users - should you be passing CWV or getting a "good" performance score or both? And what is a realistic score for your particular type of application?

Score variability means that Lighthouse comes with caveats. Generally it is not a very reliable performance debugging tool. Since score variability is skewed by your machine's performance when it is run locally, it is probably not a good idea to run Lighthouse in the Chrome's devtools. It is better to use Lighthouse through WebPageTest where it does more to mitigate variability, or use other tools for debugging performance.

I would recommend using Lighthouse primarily to understand how Google classifies your website. The opportunities presented by the Lighthouse audit give you a rough guide to improve performance but take it with a dash of salt. Field data gives you a more realistic view of user experience and you should favour that for understanding the performance of your website.

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Top comments (22)

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard • Edited

That was a great read indeed.
Giving meaningless numbers is often worse than having no number at all
Because you spend time and efforts "improving" things that don't matter much.
It's worth pointing out that Google doesn't actually know a single thing about your users.
Only you know your audience.

Google gives advice for the average site.
But noone is the average site.

Load time matters a loooot for Amazon because a 0.1 second improvment means lots more money.
But for my personal website with few highly motivated users, it would be an absolute waste of time and efforts to invest in writing my own static website generator in Rust to be faster.
For me what matters is the content and how easy it is for me to update it.

robole profile image
Rob OLeary • Edited

Thanks Jean-Michel. It is challenging to maintain a healthy perspective on performance. It is best to take a holistic approach to UX like you mentioned.

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

Giving meaningless numbers is often worse than having no number at all


akashpattnaik profile image
Akash Pattnaik

Amazing Article.
I've voted it "High Quality". Keep posting such acticle!

robole profile image
Rob OLeary

Thanks Akash 😀

imthedeveloper profile image

I think also it's dependent on the websites audience.

As an example, I've been working on web vitals for e-commerce clients. One client was using bigcommerce who historically score better in USA due to their hosting arrangements, but this client has a UK store with a UK only audience. Metrics such as TTFB suffered due to latency and poor infra issues which then had a knock on to their LCP, FCP metrics. From the lab driven page speed results reported by Google they were "ok" but as the audience was located elsewhere real results would lead to failed metrics.

After moving this client to Shopify which located them within EU DCs we infact saw the opposite happen. Lab driven tests would report OK this time around but real measurements returned a good/pass due to audience access and much better TTFB etc.

For me, if we are going to give Google page speed metrics and vitals any air time, we also should be comparing the locations of access and audience types. As you have suggested the simulated/lab tests are misleading enough!

alais29dev profile image
Alfonsina Lizardo

Awesome article indeed. Recently I was working on a project where the client requested to improve the performance of the mobile site because it was around 25-35, we did A LOT of things to improve performance, and we managed to get it to 45-55, but we didn't understand why the score varied so much, I mean, one time I even got 60 when running the test.

In the end the client decided to leave it at that, specially because we also showed them that their competitors had much worse performance scores 😅

robole profile image
Rob OLeary


kdambekalns profile image
Karsten Dambekalns

I agree to most of the points made in the article. But all critique aside, one thing that aiming for good ("better than currently") results will always give you: a faster and slimmer website.

Optimizing assets? Yes, please. In a lot of countries networks are still slow and expensive. Oh, and every byte uselessly transferred means more energy consumption. We cannot frown upon Bitcoin for wasting energy and at the same time act as if we had nothing to do with it as web developers.

Getting rid of unneeded scripts and data? Yes, please. It is very easy to achieve a better score by getting rid of GTM, the three dozen ad networks and the six other trackers in your site. Who benefits? First of all, the users of your site.

Most sites I worked on were easy to improve using those two things. And that's not hard, technically.

Whether your client buys into letting go of all the tracking/advertising cruft, might be an entirely different question, though. 🙈

tunetheweb profile image
Barry Pollard

Field data is the best way of understanding the performance of your website, as noted by Philip Walton before: This is why the Core Web Vitals initiative measures Core Web Vitals through the Chrome User Experience report (CrUX) and not Lighthouse.

Lighthouse is a diagnostic tool to provide recommendations and the score is a broad summary. I agree with the other comment not to focus on absolute values produced by it, but instead to look at the recommendations it surfaces to help improve performance.

There can be big differences between lab and field data: and at the end of the day it really matters how users experience your site, not how a tool like Lighthouse sees it, under particular settings, and with the simple, cold load it does.

Lab-based tools are particularly difficult to measure responsiveness in (as measured in Core Web Vitals by FID, soon to be replaced by INP). As it is measured based on a user interacting with your site, and as Lighthouse doesn't interact with your site (though it can be made to with User Flows but only for the limited interactions you program them for). This is why Lighthouse cannot measure FID and INP, and the best proxy metric for a simple, cold load of a page that Lighthouse does is TBT which gives an indication of a busy thread and so potential responsiveness problems.

robole profile image
Rob OLeary • Edited

Thanks for sharing your perspective Barry

catsarebetter profile image
Hide Shidara

Could the scoring scale be non-linear due to the distribution of search rankings being non-linear?

For ex, the first ranked post in Google gets 30% of the clicks, next gets significantly less, so on and so forth.

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