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Cover image for Day 1: Kicking Off My 21-Day JavaScript Challenge ๐Ÿš€

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Day 1: Kicking Off My 21-Day JavaScript Challenge ๐Ÿš€

Hello community! I'm thrilled to share that I've embarked on a 21-day challenge to master JavaScript, guided by the incredible Hitesh Choudharyโ€™s "Chai Aur Code" on YouTube. Today marks the first day of this journey, and Iโ€™m excited to dive into the fundamentals of JavaScript.

Hereโ€™s what I covered on Day 1:

  1. let, var, and const Keywords:

I explored the nuances of these variable declaration keywords. var has function scope, while let and const have block scope. const is used for constants that wonโ€™t change, whereas let is for variables that can be reassigned. Understanding their differences is crucial for writing clean and efficient code.

  1. Data Types in JavaScript:

I learned about JavaScriptโ€™s data types, divided into primitive types (such as string, number, boolean, null, undefined, symbol, and bigint) and non-primitive types (objects and arrays). I also delved into type conversion, including how JavaScript handles implicit and explicit conversions.

  1. In-Depth with Strings, Numbers, and Math Functions:

I ran various examples to understand string manipulation, number operations, and mathematical functions in JavaScript. These functions are essential for handling data and performing calculations effectively.

  1. Date and Time Methods:

I explored JavaScriptโ€™s Date object and its methods to manage and format dates and times. This knowledge is crucial for tasks involving timestamps, scheduling, and time-based calculations.

Iโ€™m documenting my learning journey and code on GitHub. Feel free to check out my repo for updates and progress:


Additionally, Iโ€™ll be sharing insights and reflections on LinkedIn, where you can follow my progress:


Stay tuned for more updates as I continue this challenge. Your support and feedback are greatly appreciated!

JavaScript #WebDevelopment #CodingChallenge #FullStackDeveloper #GitHub #ChaiAurCode #DevCommunity

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