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Cover image for Day 11: Delving Deeper into JavaScript OOP, this, new, and Prototypes! 🚀

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Day 11: Delving Deeper into JavaScript OOP, this, new, and Prototypes! 🚀

Hi Dev Community! 👋 I'm back with an exciting update on my 21-day JavaScript learning challenge, coming from the amazing Hitesh Choudhary's YouTube channel, "ChaiAurCode." Today marks Day 11, and it has been a tremendous journey thus far. Let's see what I learned today! 🌟

Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript 🧠
Today, I learned about Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript. Object-oriented programming is the approach that uses objects and classes in structuring code so that it can be more modular and reusable. Knowledge of OOP is indispensable when it comes to developing scalable applications, so I enjoyed learning all the nuances of this paradigm. 🌐

The this Keyword and new Keyword 🔍
Next, I dived into the keyword this. In JavaScript, this refers to the object from which it was called. All this helped me understand how this works in different contexts and write strong code accordingly. Also, I learned about the keyword new which is used to create instances of objects. While running several programs, I observed how 'this' and 'new' work in practice. 📝

Prototypes and Custom Functions 🛠️
Finally, I delved into JavaScript's prototypal inheritance. The Prototypes allow properties and methods to be added to objects, hence allowing inheritance and method sharing to work between instances. I have also learned how to write my own functions to implement on objects, arrays, and strings. It was a powerful way to see how the prototype chain works in JavaScript. 💡

Check out my GitHub repo, where I'm documenting all the code and programs. Also, find my journey shared on LinkedIn; just connect with me there! 🤝
Github repo:-

Be sure to check out the "ChaiAurJavaScript" playlist by Hitesh Choudhary if you're learning JavaScript in depth. An outstanding playlist for both beginners and pros. Here you go! 📚
Youtube Playlist link:-

Happy coding! 💻

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