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Cover image for 10 Javascript tips and tricks
Roktim Kamal Senapoty
Roktim Kamal Senapoty

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10 Javascript tips and tricks

1. Use "const" and "let" instead of "var" to declare variables. This makes your code more readable and helps prevent unexpected changes to your variables.

Trick 1

2. Use arrow functions to write more concise and readable code. For example, you can replace: function add(x, y) { return x + y; } with: const add = (x, y) => x + y;

Trick 2

3. Use destructuring to extract values from arrays and objects. For example, you can extract the first and second elements of an array like this: const [first, second] = myArray;

Trick 3

4. Use the spread operator to combine arrays or objects. For example, you can combine two arrays like this: const newArray = [...array1, ...array2];

Trick 4

5. Use template literals to create dynamic strings. For example, you can create a string with a variable like this: const name = "John"; console.log(Hello, ${name}!);

Trick 5

6. Use the "map" function to transform arrays. For example, you can double the values in an array like this: const doubledArray = => x * 2);

Trick 6

7. Use the "filter" function to remove elements from an array based on a condition. For example, you can remove all even numbers from an array like this: const filteredArray = myArray.filter(x => x % 2 !== 0);

Trick 7

8. Use the "reduce" function to combine all elements of an array into a single value. For example, you can sum the elements of an array like this: const sum = myArray.reduce((acc, x) => acc + x, 0);

Trick 8

9. Use the "fetch" function to make HTTP requests in your code. This allows you to interact with APIs and retrieve data from other websites.

Trick 9

10. Use the "async/await" syntax to write asynchronous code that is more readable and easier to debug. This allows you to write code that waits for promises to resolve before continuing.

Trick 10

Top comments (7)

ultraxcode profile image

Moj aagyi <3

roktim32 profile image
Roktim Kamal Senapoty

Thank You

bays profile image
Bayu Saputra


roktim32 profile image
Roktim Kamal Senapoty

Thank You

durbonca profile image
Manuel Duran


brokenprison profile image
Munsif Solkar

Presentation 🔥

roktim32 profile image
Roktim Kamal Senapoty

Thank you