You have been a Ruby on Rails developer for a couple of years.
You can finish a ticket from A to Z with a little technical help.
You want to strengthen your Ruby/Rails knowledge and skills.
Get on board and let's sail beyond the horizon.
🗣️ This little voice
You have probably written enough lines of Ruby to feel that you are in your comfort zone!
That's great. But this little voice makes you feel uncomfortable about your stagnation.
So you probably started to dedicate a part of your time to learning new things: a little bit of StimulusJS, a little bit of ActiveRecord, etc...
You feel like you're not making significant progress.
No worries! You are actually in the right mindset!
The only thing you need is guidance! 🧭
🗺️ Your Treasure map
To become a better Rubyist you must take a month (or two) to learn the main concepts of OOP in Ruby.
Here is an exhaustive list of key concepts:
Ruby Object Model
The Ancestor Chain
The Method Lookup Path
Ruby Hook Methods
The Eigenclass
Private & protected + message handling
What are modules
The super keyword in Ruby
The yield keyword in Ruby
Once you've grasped these fundamental concepts, your coding confidence is bound to soar.
You'll approach your code with newfound assurance and expertise.
Your Next Step
Your next step
In both our "Ruby for Beginners" and "Advanced Ruby" courses, as well as our 4 mini-projects, we cover the essential concepts and advanced techniques discussed in this blog post.
Our mini-projects are structured as production-ready gems, giving you a true taste of how professional Ruby projects are organized.
This isn’t just another collection of examples—you’ll gain practical skills that you can apply immediately.
Let RubyCademy be your guide on the path to mastering Ruby, helping you save valuable time and accelerate your learning.
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