
Cover image for Publishing Jekyll Blog Post to DevTo using GitHub CI and CD Pipeline
Rupesh Tiwari
Rupesh Tiwari

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Publishing Jekyll Blog Post to DevTo using GitHub CI and CD Pipeline

If you have a blogging site using Jekyll and you want to publish your blogs to your Dev.To account? Then read this article.

Jekyll Project

I have my Jekyll project and I do have 1 post and I want this post to be automatically published to my Dev.To account when I push this post to GitHub. Really excited about that so lets begin.

Publish to Action

I will use pre-built action by sinedied/publish-devto to publish my post to

Market Place Publish to Action Front Matter Guidelines

Make sure you have below attributes in your blog post Front Matter.

Custom variables set for each post, located between the triple-dashed lines in your editor. Here is a list of possibilities:

title: the title of your article
published: boolean that determines whether or not your article is published
description: description area in Twitter cards and open graph cards
tags: max of four tags, needs to be comma-separated
canonical_url: link for the canonical version of the content
cover_image: cover image for post, accepts a URL.
The best size is 1000 x 420.
series: post series name.

✍ Markdown Basics

Below are some examples of commonly used markdown syntax. If you want to dive deeper, check out this cheat sheet.

Creating API Keys in Dev.To

Login to and then go to accounts and create new api key.

Creating Github Workflow

Lets create ".github/workflows/publish.yml" file.

It will publish post to whenever merge or push happens to master branch.

name: publish
      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: "! contains(toJSON(github.event.commits.*.message), '[skip ci]')"

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: actions/setup-node@v2
        node-version: 12

    - name: Publish articles on
      uses: "sinedied/publish-devto@30728bf"
        files: '_posts/**/*.md'
        devto_key: ${{ secrets.DEVTO_TOKEN }}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
conventional_commits: true
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Run GitHub CI/CD

Lets update post and push the code to master branch.

Confirm published article on account

Notice my post published in

Here is my article published : "Enforcing Dependency Constraints in Nx Monorepo Projects"

Skipping GitHub CI

Sometime you are not updating your blog rather fixing your site or updating about me or something else. And you don't want to trigger your CI so make sure you add [skip ci] in your commit comments. So that your blogs will be not published because CI will not trigger.

Notice we have check in our Job to not run if message has '[skip ci]'

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πŸ’– Say πŸ‘‹ to me!

Rupesh Tiwari
βœ‰οΈ Email Rupesh
Founder of Fullstack Master

Top comments (2)

apayrus profile image
Rustam Apay

Thank you, Rupesh! Your article is the best on this subject!

rushichaudhari profile image
Rushi Chaudhari

Great idea, but what about the comments and discussions? πŸ€”