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Sushil Sharma Subedi
Sushil Sharma Subedi

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Are We Living in a Nightmare or a Paradise Together with Machines?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is all over. Artificial intelligence (AI) influences every aspect of our lives, from the efficient delivery drones to the unsettling accuracy of your suggested purchases. Is this, however, a good thing? Are we speeding towards a convenient utopia or a dystopian nightmare where there will be robot overlords and unemployment?

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The Rise of the Machines (and Our Sofas)

Frankly, artificial intelligence excels at the routine. Do you want to maximize city traffic flow? AI is capable of that. Do you require a dedicated helper to sort through an endless amount of data for a medical study? AI, or rather its sophisticated algorithm, is your man. This opens up a world of efficiency and could relieve us of the monotony of daily work. Imagine living in a society where everyone is free to pursue their artistic interests or spend more time with their families. Sounds nice, doesn't it?

But Wait, There's More (Like Joblessness)

Sunshine, hold on! Efficiency frequently has a price. One can only assume that humans will be driven away if AI can perform a task more effectively and at a lower cost. These days, the issue goes beyond manufacturing workers. Already, fields like accounting, law, and even journalism are being affected by AI. Are we all going to be our robot overlords' servant class?

The Ethical Abyss and the Privacy Black Hole

And then there's the entire matter of privacy. Artificial Intelligence is data-driven. The more data it has, the more proficient it becomes at everything. Who, though, is in charge of that data? What happens if it ends up in the wrong hands? Not to mention the possibility of bias. The quality of AI algorithms depends on the quality of the training data. Decisions made based on biased data can have detrimental effects on people's lives.

So, AI: Boon or Bane?

Actually, AI has no intrinsic positive or harmful qualities. It is a tool, and like other tools, it can be used for both building and breaking things. The way we develop and apply AI will determine the future we co-create.

Here's the challenge: Can we harness the power of AI for the good of all, or will it become the next instrument of human inequality and oppression?

The answer lies with us.

Let the debate begin!

The purpose of this blog article is to provoke. It seeks to start a conversation about the possible advantages and disadvantages of AI. How do you feel? Is artificial intelligence (AI) a bright beacon guiding us towards a better future or a lurking threat to our survival? Let's start a discourse by leaving a comment below!

Top comments (1)

kurealnum profile image

I don't think it's a threat to our survival, as there are plenty of good applications for it that don't involve us being overtaken by robots. However, generative AI specifically -- the form of AI that 90% of the population is familiar with -- has some serious issues that have not been carefully considered yet. These issues range from bias, as you mentioned, all the way to what I would call shameless cheating. I call it shameless because, in my experience, many students are willing to make excuses to use ChatGPT on half of their essay and call it their own work without a second thought.

Anyways... if I keep writing this, it'll end up being a whole blog post, so I'll leave it at that. I'll be the shameless plug though, and leave a link to a post I wrote about these issues: