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Name a Front-end library that you cannot live without.

Top comments (36)

awcode0x profile image

no library
because the front-end developer should learn how to do thing without any library first then he can use the libraries

atinypixel profile image
Aziz Kaukawala


But he/she should be wise enough to understand which libraries can help them save time.

Example: Lodash: Once they understand how array, objects, string works, its not a bad idea to use something like lodash which helps do many things easily.

And yes, your point is valid, one should not jump directly on the library without understanding the basics!

camco profile image


sadeedpv profile image


bubster profile image

I love when people answer this kind of stuff. You have a point but that's not really the question is it?..

mohammadshahzaib007 profile image
Mohammad Shahzaib


anyanka profile image

Totally agreed!

lockykeaney profile image
Locky Keaney • Edited

While I appreciate that having no library is the ultimate option (and the most fun in the end), it is often not the most time effective or efficient option. It is also does not answer the question that has been asked. OP might have been wanting some better ideas of libraries they want to replace in their next large project.

If it is a React project, then I would have to say Zustand. It makes creating state so much easier, and matches how hooks have become the new standard. I find the Context-Provider pattern in react confusing some times, and this hides it all from me.

alaindet profile image
Alain D'Ettorre

Although I've used many libraries and frameworks, the one I have to say Angular because it packs almost everything you'll ever need in a single framework while it can be integrated (ish) with anything written in JavaScript.

peerreynders profile image
peerreynders • Edited

There should be no such thing.

Every dependency needs to earn its keep and if it isn't pulling its weight then it needs to go.

Given the wide range of application holotypes that exist on the web there really isn't a dependency that is a good fit with all of them.

sadeedpv profile image

Wise words🙌

deepakydv9315 profile image
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Deepak Yadav

Why to use library ?? According to me we should know how to code without any library , coz we can't be dependent on libraries.
I agree libraries are also best option to code but we can't be so dependent

sadeedpv profile image
Sadeedpv🥇 • Edited

So you never used react for your front-end project?

yoquiale profile image
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Vue and Angular are frameworks, not libraries.

sadeedpv profile image

That was my bad, sorry!

deepakydv9315 profile image
Deepak Yadav

i am using react, but i can live without using it

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sadeedpv profile image

Why do you use react if you don't like depending on libraries??

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ashkanmohammadi profile image
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console.log(using_a_library == depending_on_it); // false

deepakydv9315 profile image
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Deepak Yadav


atinypixel profile image
Aziz Kaukawala

Definitely Lodash

I know javascript (typescript too) has evolved enough to eliminate use of such library but I'm using it for so long that now its my muscle memory to write _.find, _.filter, _.findIndex etc instead of using default array methods.

fjones profile image
FJones • Edited

Gonna be the odd one out between the more-or-less-obvious "nothing should be crucial!" and the framework answers, and go with... emotion. CSS-in-JS is so goddamn easy with it, I genuinely wouldn't want to miss it, even on non-framework work. The other big one for me is pug/jade because I love the simplicity of abstracting HTML (in a very similar way to how I used to do it myself), but that's more nice-to-have than the universal utility that emotion provides for me.

Edit: To amend my pug answer: Nowadays, pug is awesome for HTML emails, because it just lets you freely generate the HTML regardless of the opinionated nature of other templating engines, and still lets you do the basic things you need. Email templates are awful, but abstracting them into basic inheritance and mixins? Godsend!

abhinav1217 profile image
Abhinav Kulshreshtha

The fastest JS library there is.

humanfriend22 profile image

I depends on what project I'm working but at the time of writing this I am particularly attached to VueJS.

yxsh profile image

idk about library but I cannot live without typescript

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