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Sagor cnits
Sagor cnits

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What is HTML Semantic tag?

Hope everyone is well.

Today's topic: HTML Semantic tag.

HTML semantic tag (semantic tag) is a tag that clearly defines the different parts of a web page and what they are used for. By using them, the structure and content of web pages are more beautiful, which is especially beneficial to search engines. Now it has become mandatory to use them on web pages. So take a good look at them.

Some examples of common HTML semantic tags are:

<header>: This header should be used inside the <body> tag. This is basically used at the top of a web page where we put what usually contains the website name, logo, <nav> links.

<nav>: Contains the form of a set of navigation links.

<main>: Contains the main content of the web page.

<section>: A section of different sections of a web page, usually related to a theme or topic.

<article>: An independent content block that can stand alone.

<aside>: Beside the main content, providing additional information.

<footer>: Used at the bottom of a document or a section, usually containing copyright information and contact details.

<figure> and <figcaption>: represent figures, illustrations, charts, etc. and provide their captions.

Using these tags makes web pages well structured and very straightforward. A developer looking at your code can easily understand where you are showing what.

I hope the things will be useful for you inshallah.

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