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Sahil Saif
Sahil Saif

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All js strings method - less text , more snippet

1. String.length :

  • Returns the length of the string. length

2. indexOf( ) :

  • Returns the starting index no of searching character or word.
  • It searches forward.
  • It takes 2 argument, 2nd argument is for search starting index number and 2nd argument is not compulsory.
  • If searching string does not found then it will return -1 indexof

3. lastIndexOf( ) :

  • same as indexOf() just difference it starts searching from last or backward last index of

4. search( ) :

  • same as previous two just difference is search() and does not take 2nd argument and always search forward. search

5. includes( ) :

  • Returns true or false as the given string is present or not on the main string. includes

6. startsWith( ) :

  • Returns true or false as the main string starts with the given text or not. startsWith

7. endsWith( ) :

  • Returns true or false as the main string ends with the given text or not. endswith

8. replace( ) :

  • Takes two argument - (present string, replaced string).
  • It replaces only the first matched. replace

9. replaceAll( ) :

  • will replace all matching string on main string.
  • VS code does not give suggestion for replaceAll() but you just type , it will work. replaceAll

10. toUpperCase( ) :

  • Converts whole string to uppercase. uppercase

11. toLowerCase( ) :

  • Converts whole string to lowercase. lowercase

12. trim( ) :

  • Removes whitespaces from start and end of the string. trim

13. concat( ) :

  • Join two different strings. concat

14. repeat( ) :

  • Repeats a string from 1 to infinity times. Just need to mention repeat number inside ( ) repeat

15. charAt( ) :

  • Accessing string characters with index num. charAt

16. charCodeAt( ) :

  • Accessing string character's UTF-16 code with character's index number. charcodeat

17. slice( ) :

  • Extracting string from a string.
  • takes two argument - (starting index, ending index) . ending index is not compulsory.
  • ending index= -1 means till end. slice

18. substring( ) :

  • substring() is similar to slice() the difference is substring does not except negative indexes.
  • If we give negative value then the character are counted from the 0th position. substring

19. substr( ) :

  • 2 argument- (starting index, length of new string). 2nd argument can't be negative. substr

20. match( ) :

  • The match() method searches a string for a match against a regular expression, and returns the matches, as an Array object. match

21. padStart( ) :

  • Add white spaces at the start of the string. Inside ( ) you need to give your total string length with starting whitespaces.
  • whitespaces = length - string characters length padstart

22. padEnd( ) :

  • same as padStart( ) just here whitespaces will add at last.
  • To recognize spaces , bellow in pic in comment at last added '|' padend

23. split( ) :

  • Break string and convert it in array. split

24. codePointAt( ) :

  • Return unicode value of given character. codepointat

25. fromCharCode( ) :

  • Return character from unicode value.
  • in bellow pic comment ans is // TSb fromcharcode

26. localeCompare( ) :

  • Two string comparison. The reference or base string always written at first then .localeCompare(string2)
  • Returns negative number (-1) if the reference string is sorted before string2.
  • Returns 0 if two strings are equivalent.
  • Returns positive number (1) if the reference string is sorted after string2. localeCompare

so here we are ! Feel free bookmark this blog for Quick revise on any time.
I tried best to mention all method even some similar to each other. But if i missed any method please tell me comment.

And connect with me on twitter for other JavaScript and CSS stuff.

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