Abstraction and interface
interface it is a blueprint for the class, it is just like the contract we put some condition we can follow in the class.
Some Tips about interface :
all methods are abstract as nobody content for function.
All methods declared in an interface must be public;
We cannot define property in the interface;
this is simply the nature of an interface. Here is the example :
interface Logger
public function execute();
how can I use interface ?
we use interface by "implements" keyword as Example
class LogToFile implements Logger
public function execute($message)
var_dump('log the message to a file :'.$message);
An abstract class is a class that contains at least one abstract method, which is a method without any actual code in it, just the name and the parameters, and that has been marked as "abstract".
The purpose of this is to provide a kind of template to inherit from and to force the inheriting class to implement the abstract methods.
An abstract class thus is something between a regular class and a pure interface. Also interfaces are a special case of abstract classes where ALL methods are abstract
as example
abstract class AbstractClass
// Force Extending class to define this method
abstract protected function getValue();
public function printOut()
print $this->getValue() . "\n";
we can conclusion the abstract in these points
should have at least one abstract function
have a regular function with implement
we can define properties
how can I use abstract?
we use abstract by "extends" keywork
Polymorphism Using Abstract Classes and Interfaces
abstract class Template
public function make()
return $this
protected function addHotWater()
var_dump('Pour Hot water into cup');
return $this;
protected function addSugar()
var_dump('Add proper amount of sugar');
return $this;
protected function addMilk()
var_dump('Add proper amount of Milk');
return $this;
protected abstract function addPrimaryToppings();
class Tea extends Template
public function addPrimaryToppings()
var_dump('Add proper amount of tea');
return $this;
$tea = new Tea();
class Coffee extends Template
public function addPrimaryToppings()
var_dump('Add proper amount of Coffee');
return $this;
$coffee = new Coffee();
we implement polymorphism as this way we make one template and implement many types and reduce duplicated code .
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