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Cover image for I revived TypeScript RPC framework for WebSocket (+NestJS) and Worker protocols from 8 years ago.
Jeongho Nam
Jeongho Nam

Posted on β€’ Edited on

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I revived TypeScript RPC framework for WebSocket (+NestJS) and Worker protocols from 8 years ago.

1. Preface

TGrid Logo

I had made a TypeScript RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework for WebSocket and Worker protocols 8 years ago, but have forgotten it for a long time. It's because I'd no chance to develop the websocket protocol based service for last 8 years.

By the way, I suddenly had to develop a websocket based service in nowadays. Furthermore, the websocket based service was a little bit huge (about 120K LOC), so that required many complicated and deep structured messages and procedures. What's even worse is that I had to create the service only myself.

In the project, I'd decided to re-use my TypeScript RPC framework I had long forgotten about, and soon I felt it. Ah, it would be competitive even in today’s era. In such reason, I'd decided to revive and maintain the project again. And today, I've finally completed the example projects' developments and detailed documentations.

Now, I am here to introduce you my open source project TGrid and its guidances.

2. Remote Procedure Call

TGrid supports RPC (Remote Procedure Call).

With the RPC feature, you can call remote functions as if they were of your local.

If you're developing websocket client, you can call the remote function of websocket server providing. Otherwise you're developing websocket server, you also can utilize the remote functino of websocket client providing, too.

Let's see what the RPC means.

2.1. Client Program

import { Driver, WebSocketConnector } from "tgrid";

export const webSocketClientMain = async () => {
  const connector: WebSocketConnector<null, null, ICalculator> =
    new WebSocketConnector(
      null, // header
      null, // provider for remote server
  await connector.connect("ws://");

  const remote: Driver<ICalculator> = connector.getDriver();
    await, 20), // returns 30
    await remote.minus(7, 3), // returns 4
    await remote.multiply(3, 4), // returns 12
    await remote.divide(5, 2), // returns 2.5
  await connector.close();

interface ICalculator {
  plus(a: number, b: number): number
  minus(a: number, b: number): number
  multiply(a: number, b: number): number
  divide(a: number, b: number): number

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$ npm start
30 4 12 2.5

You can run it on a Playground Website.

Looking at the example websocket client program, it is connecting to the websocket server of "ws://" URL, without any header and provider.

After the connection, client program is getting Driver<ICalculator> instance from the connector instance to the remote websocket server. Also, client program is calling functions on the Driver<ICalculator> instance like await remote.multiply(3, 4) statement.

Looking the below 2.2. Server Program, you may understand that the ICalculator is an interface type corresponding to the Calculator class, provided by the websocket server. Driver<ICalculator>. In actually, Driver is a proxy instance hooking function call expression, so that intermediates them with the remote server (or client) through network communication.

Such remote function call way with TypeScript type guarding, this is the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) of TGrid.

2.2. Server Program

import { WebSocketServer } from "tgrid";

export const webSocketServerMain = async () => {
  const server: WebSocketServer<
    null, // header
    Calculator, // provider for remote client
    null // provider from remote client
  > = new WebSocketServer();
  await, async (acceptor) => {
    const provider: Calculator = new Calculator();
    await acceptor.accept(provider);
  return server;

class Calculator {
  public plus(x: number, y: number): number {
    return x + y;
  public minus(x: number, y: number): number {
    return x - y;
  public multiply(x: number, y: number): number {
    return x * y;
  public divide(x: number, y: number): number {
    return x / y;

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Websocket server is providing Calculator class.

As you can see, every remote functions called to the Driver<ICalculator> from the 2.1. Client Program are defined in the Calculator class, and current websocket server program is providing the Calculator instance to the client system for RPC (Remote Procedure Call).

2.3. Components

Describing RPC (Remote Procedure Call) concept of TGrid with above example codes, some significant words were repated like provider and driver. Those words are categorized in the Components section in the TGrid, and here is the summarized descriptions of them.

  • Communicator: network communication with remote system
  • Header: header value directly delivered after the connection
  • Provider: object provided for remote system
  • Driver: proxy instance for calling functions of the remote system's Provider

If you want to know more, please visit the TGrid guide documents:

3. Protocols

3.1. WebSocket

TGrid supports websocket protocol.

With TGrid, you can easily develop WebSocket system under the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) concept.

By the way, if you're planning to develop websocket application, I recommend integrate TGrid with NestJS instead of utilzing native classes like WebSocketServer and WebSocketConnector directly.

It's because you can manage WebSocket API endpoints much effectively and easily by NestJS controller patterns. Also, you can make your server to support both HTTP and WebSocket protocols at the same time. NestJS controllers are compatible with both HTTP and WebSocket operations.

import { Driver, WebSocketServer } from "tgrid";

import { ICalcConfig } from "./interfaces/ICalcConfig";
import { ICalcEventListener } from "./interfaces/ICalcEventListener";
import { CompositeCalculator } from "./providers/CompositeCalculator";
import { ScientificCalculator } from "./providers/ScientificCalculator";
import { SimpleCalculator } from "./providers/SimpleCalculator";
import { StatisticsCalculator } from "./providers/StatisticsCalculator";

export const webSocketServerMain = async () => {
  const server: WebSocketServer<
    | CompositeCalculator
    | SimpleCalculator
    | StatisticsCalculator
    | ScientificCalculator,
  > = new WebSocketServer();
  await, async (acceptor) => {
    const config: ICalcConfig = acceptor.header;
    const listener: Driver<ICalcEventListener> = acceptor.getDriver();

    if (acceptor.path === "/composite")
      await acceptor.accept(new CompositeCalculator(config, listener));
    else if (acceptor.path === "/simple")
      await acceptor.accept(new SimpleCalculator(config, listener));
    else if (acceptor.path === "/statistics")
      await acceptor.accept(new StatisticsCalculator(config, listener));
    else if (acceptor.path === "/scientific")
      await acceptor.accept(new ScientificCalculator(config, listener));
    else await acceptor.reject(1002, `WebSocket API endpoint not found.`);
  return server;

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A websocket server example using native websocket classes of TGrid directly. If you integrate with NestJS, you can manage operation paths much effectively.

3.2. Worker

TGrid supports Worker protocol(?).

TGrid considers Worker as a 1: 1 dedicated server, as well as a little bit special network protocol. Therefore, you don't no more need to manually send and parse raw level message (Worker.postMessage()). Just utilize RPC (Remote Procedure Call) even when developing the Worker based multi-processing application.

Here is an example code interacting with Worker with RPC through TGrid. With the example code, you may understand why TGrid is considering the Worker as a network system, even if Worker is never a type of network system in the real world.

import { Driver, WorkerConnector } from "tgrid";

import { ICalcConfig } from "./interfaces/ICalcConfig";
import { ICalcEvent } from "./interfaces/ICalcEvent";
import { ICalcEventListener } from "./interfaces/ICalcEventListener";
import { ICompositeCalculator } from "./interfaces/ICompositeCalculator";

const EXTENSION = __filename.endsWith(".ts") ? "ts" : "js";

export const workerClientMain = async () => {
  const stack: ICalcEvent[] = [];
  const listener: ICalcEventListener = {
    on: (evt: ICalcEvent) => stack.push(evt),
  const connector: WorkerConnector<
  > = new WorkerConnector(
    { precision: 2 }, // header
    listener, // provider for remote server
  await connector.connect(`${__dirname}/server.${EXTENSION}`);

  const remote: Driver<ICompositeCalculator> = connector.getDriver();
    await, 20), // returns 30
    await remote.multiplies(3, 4), // returns 12
    await remote.divides(5, 3), // returns 1.67
    await remote.scientific.sqrt(2), // returns 1.41
    await remote.statistics.mean(1, 3, 9), // returns 4.33

  await connector.close();

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$ npm start
30 12 1.67 1.41 4.33
  { type: 'plus', input: [ 10, 20 ], output: 30 },
  { type: 'multiplies', input: [ 3, 4 ], output: 12 },
  { type: 'divides', input: [ 5, 3 ], output: 1.67 },
  { type: 'sqrt', input: [ 2 ], output: 1.41 },
  { type: 'mean', input: [ 1, 3, 9 ], output: 4.33 }

You can run it on a Playground Website.

3.3. SharedWorker

As well as Worker case, TGrid also supports SharedWorker protocol.

Also, as SharedWorker can accept multiple clients, TGrid considers it a s a local server running on the web browser, so that its interfaces are almost similar with the websocket protocol case.

import { Driver, SharedWorkerServer } from "tgrid";

import { ICalcConfig } from "./interfaces/ICalcConfig";
import { ICalcEventListener } from "./interfaces/ICalcEventListener";
import { CompositeCalculator } from "./providers/CompositeCalculator";

const main = async () => {
  let pool: number = 0;
  const server: SharedWorkerServer<
  > = new SharedWorkerServer();
  await (acceptor) => {
    const config: ICalcConfig = acceptor.header;
    const listener: Driver<ICalcEventListener> = acceptor.getDriver();

    if (pool >= 8) {
      await acceptor.reject("Too much connections.");
    } else {
      await acceptor.accept(new CompositeCalculator(config, listener));
      await acceptor.join();

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You can run it on your local machine.

git clone
npm install
npm run build
npm start

4. NestJS Integration

4.1. Outline

NestJS integration is the only one feature newly added to TGrid, reving 8 years have slept project. Also, I've told in the previous section (3.1. WebSocket) that integrating with NestJS is better than just utilizing native classes, when developing websocket protocol based application.

Let's see how NestJS integration makes websocket development efficiently.

You can run it on a Playground Website

4.2. Server Program

4.2.1. Bootstrap

import { WebSocketAdaptor } from "@nestia/core";
import { INestApplication } from "@nestjs/common";
import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";

import { CalculateModule } from "./calculate.module";

export const bootstrap = async (): Promise<INestApplication> => {
  const app: INestApplication = await NestFactory.create(CalculateModule);
  await WebSocketAdaptor.upgrade(app);
  await app.listen(37_000, "");
  return app;

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To integrate TGrid with NestJS, you have to upgrade the NestJS application like above.

Just call the WebSocketAdaptor.upgrade(), then you can utilize TGrid in the NestJS server.

4.2.2. Controller

import { TypedRoute, WebSocketRoute } from "@nestia/core";
import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import { Driver, WebSocketAcceptor } from "tgrid";

import { ICalcConfig } from "./api/interfaces/ICalcConfig";
import { ICalcEventListener } from "./api/interfaces/ICalcEventListener";
import { ICompositeCalculator } from "./api/interfaces/ICompositeCalculator";
import { IScientificCalculator } from "./api/interfaces/IScientificCalculator";
import { ISimpleCalculator } from "./api/interfaces/ISimpleCalculator";
import { IStatisticsCalculator } from "./api/interfaces/IStatisticsCalculator";

import { CompositeCalculator } from "./providers/CompositeCalculator";
import { ScientificCalculator } from "./providers/ScientificCalculator";
import { SimpleCalculator } from "./providers/SimpleCalculator";
import { StatisticsCalculator } from "./providers/StatisticsCalculator";

export class CalculateController {
   * Health check API (HTTP GET).
  public health(): string {
    return "Health check OK";

   * Prepare a composite calculator.
  public async composite(
    acceptor: WebSocketAcceptor<
    @WebSocketRoute.Header() header: ICalcConfig,
    @WebSocketRoute.Driver() listener: Driver<ICalcEventListener>
  ): Promise<void> {
    const provider: CompositeCalculator = new CompositeCalculator(
    await acceptor.accept(provider);

   * Prepare a simple calculator.
  public async simple(
    acceptor: WebSocketAcceptor<
      ICalcConfig, // header
      ISimpleCalculator, // provider for remote client
      ICalcEventListener // provider from remote client
  ): Promise<void> {
    const header: ICalcConfig = acceptor.header;
    const listener: Driver<ICalcEventListener> = acceptor.getDriver();
    const provider: SimpleCalculator = new SimpleCalculator(header, listener);
    await acceptor.accept(provider);

   * Prepare a scientific calculator.
  public async scientific(
    acceptor: WebSocketAcceptor<
  ): Promise<void> {
    const header: ICalcConfig = acceptor.header;
    const listener: Driver<ICalcEventListener> = acceptor.getDriver();
    const provider: ScientificCalculator = new ScientificCalculator(
    await acceptor.accept(provider);

   * Prepare a statistics calculator.
  public async statistics(
    acceptor: WebSocketAcceptor<
  ): Promise<void> {
    const header: ICalcConfig = acceptor.header;
    const listener: Driver<ICalcEventListener> = acceptor.getDriver();
    const provider: IStatisticsCalculator = new StatisticsCalculator(
    await acceptor.accept(provider);

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As you can see from the above code, CalculateController has many API operations, including both HTTP and WebSocket protocols. The is an HTTP Get method operation, and the others are all WebSocket operations.

When defining WebSocket operation, attach @WebSocketRoute() decorator to the target controller method with path specification. Also, the controller method must have the @WebSocketRoute.Acceptor() decorated parameter with WebSocketAcceptor type, because you have to determine whether to WebSocketAcceptor.accept() the client's connection or WebSocketAcceptor.reject() it.

With such controller patterned WebSocket operation, you can manage WebSocket API endpoints much effectively and easily. Also, you can generate SDK (Software Development Kit) library for your client application through Nestia. Let's see how to generate SDK library, and how it would be looked like in the next section.

4.2.3. Software Development Kit

 * @packageDocumentation
 * @module api.functional.calculate
 * @nestia Generated by Nestia -
import type { IConnection, Primitive } from "@nestia/fetcher";
import { PlainFetcher } from "@nestia/fetcher/lib/PlainFetcher";
import { WebSocketConnector } from "tgrid";
import type { Driver } from "tgrid";

import type { ICalcConfig } from "../../interfaces/ICalcConfig";
import type { ICalcEventListener } from "../../interfaces/ICalcEventListener";
import type { ICompositeCalculator } from "../../interfaces/ICompositeCalculator";
import type { IScientificCalculator } from "../../interfaces/IScientificCalculator";
import type { ISimpleCalculator } from "../../interfaces/ISimpleCalculator";
import type { IStatisticsCalculator } from "../../interfaces/IStatisticsCalculator";

 * Health check API (HTTP GET).
 * @controller
 * @path GET /calculate/health
 * @nestia Generated by Nestia -
export async function health(connection: IConnection): Promise<health.Output> {
  return PlainFetcher.fetch(connection, {,
    path: health.path(),
export namespace health {
  export type Output = Primitive<string>;

  export const METADATA = {
    method: "GET",
    path: "/calculate/health",
    request: null,
    response: {
      type: "application/json",
      encrypted: false,
    status: null,
  } as const;

  export const path = () => "/calculate/health";

 * Prepare a composite calculator.
 * @controller CalculateController.composite
 * @path /calculate/composite
 * @nestia Generated by Nestia -
export async function composite(
  connection: IConnection<composite.Header>,
  provider: composite.Provider,
): Promise<composite.Output> {
  const connector: WebSocketConnector<
  > = new WebSocketConnector(connection.headers ?? ({} as any), provider);
  await connector.connect(
    `${"/") ?, - 1) :}${composite.path()}`,
  const driver: Driver<composite.Listener> = connector.getDriver();
  return {
export namespace composite {
  export type Output = {
    connector: WebSocketConnector<Header, Provider, Listener>;
    driver: Driver<Listener>;
  export type Header = ICalcConfig;
  export type Provider = ICalcEventListener;
  export type Listener = ICompositeCalculator;

  export const path = () => "/calculate/composite";

 * Prepare a simple calculator.
 * @controller CalculateController.simple
 * @path /calculate/simple
 * @nestia Generated by Nestia -
export async function simple(
  connection: IConnection<simple.Header>,
  provider: simple.Provider,
): Promise<simple.Output> {
  const connector: WebSocketConnector<
  > = new WebSocketConnector(connection.headers ?? ({} as any), provider);
  await connector.connect(
    `${"/") ?, - 1) :}${simple.path()}`,
  const driver: Driver<simple.Listener> = connector.getDriver();
  return {
export namespace simple {
  export type Output = {
    connector: WebSocketConnector<Header, Provider, Listener>;
    driver: Driver<Listener>;
  export type Header = ICalcConfig;
  export type Provider = ICalcEventListener;
  export type Listener = ISimpleCalculator;

  export const path = () => "/calculate/simple";

 * Prepare a scientific calculator.
 * @controller CalculateController.scientific
 * @path /calculate/scientific
 * @nestia Generated by Nestia -
export async function scientific(
  connection: IConnection<scientific.Header>,
  provider: scientific.Provider,
): Promise<scientific.Output> {
  const connector: WebSocketConnector<
  > = new WebSocketConnector(connection.headers ?? ({} as any), provider);
  await connector.connect(
    `${"/") ?, - 1) :}${scientific.path()}`,
  const driver: Driver<scientific.Listener> = connector.getDriver();
  return {
export namespace scientific {
  export type Output = {
    connector: WebSocketConnector<Header, Provider, Listener>;
    driver: Driver<Listener>;
  export type Header = ICalcConfig;
  export type Provider = ICalcEventListener;
  export type Listener = IScientificCalculator;

  export const path = () => "/calculate/scientific";

 * Prepare a statistics calculator.
 * @controller CalculateController.statistics
 * @path /calculate/statistics
 * @nestia Generated by Nestia -
export async function statistics(
  connection: IConnection<statistics.Header>,
  provider: statistics.Provider,
): Promise<statistics.Output> {
  const connector: WebSocketConnector<
  > = new WebSocketConnector(connection.headers ?? ({} as any), provider);
  await connector.connect(
    `${"/") ?, - 1) :}${statistics.path()}`,
  const driver: Driver<statistics.Listener> = connector.getDriver();
  return {
export namespace statistics {
  export type Output = {
    connector: WebSocketConnector<Header, Provider, Listener>;
    driver: Driver<Listener>;
  export type Header = ICalcConfig;
  export type Provider = ICalcEventListener;
  export type Listener = IStatisticsCalculator;

  export const path = () => "/calculate/statistics";

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When you run npx nestia sdk command, SDK (Software Development Kit) library be generated.

Above file is one of the SDK library corresponding to the CalculateController class we've seen in the previous 4.2. Controller section. Client developers can utilize the automatically generated SDK functions to connect to the WebSocket server, and interact it type safely. Also, HTTP operation is compatible with the WebSocket operation.

Let's see how client developer utilizes the SDK library in the next section.

4.3. Client Program

import api from "./api";
import { ICalcEvent } from "./api/interfaces/ICalcEvent";
import { ICalcEventListener } from "./api/interfaces/ICalcEventListener";

export const testCalculateSdk = async () => {
      host: "",

  const stack: ICalcEvent[] = [];
  const listener: ICalcEventListener = {
    on: (evt: ICalcEvent) => stack.push(evt),

  const { connector, driver } = await api.functional.calculate.composite(
      host: "ws://",
      headers: {
        precision: 2,

    await, 20), // returns 30
    await driver.multiplies(3, 4), // returns 12
    await driver.divides(5, 3), // returns 1.67
    await driver.scientific.sqrt(2), // returns 1.41
    await driver.statistics.mean(1, 3, 9) // returns 4.33

  await connector.close();

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

$ npm start
[Nest] 4328  - 05/15/2024, 3:19:50 AM     LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 4328  - 05/15/2024, 3:19:50 AM     LOG [InstanceLoader] CalculateModule dependencies initialized +5ms
[Nest] 4328  - 05/15/2024, 3:19:50 AM     LOG [RoutesResolver] CalculateController {/calculate}: +5ms
[Nest] 4328  - 05/15/2024, 3:19:50 AM     LOG [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started +2ms
Health check OK
30 12 1.67 1.41 4.33
  { type: 'plus', input: [ 10, 20 ], output: 30 },
  { type: 'multiplies', input: [ 3, 4 ], output: 12 },
  { type: 'divides', input: [ 5, 3 ], output: 1.67 },
  { type: 'sqrt', input: [ 2 ], output: 1.41 },
  { type: 'mean', input: [ 1, 3, 9 ], output: 4.33 }

Do import the SDK, and enjoy the type-safe and easy-to-use RPC (Remote Procedure Call).

Looking at the above code, the client application is calling a function of the automatically generated SDK (Software Development Kit) library, so that connecting to the websocket server, and starting interaction through RPC (Remote Procedure Call) concept with Driver<ICompositeCalculator> instance.

Doesn't the "SDK based development" seems much easier and safer than native websocket classes case? This is the reason why I've recommended to combine with the NestJS when using websocket protocol based network system.

This is the integration of TGrid with NestJS.

5. Conclusion

Let's develop websocket (NestJS) and worker much easily through RPC (Remote Procedure Call).

TGrid wakes up after 8 years and will help you.

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Top comments (2)

composite profile image
Composite β€’

Pretty nice, interesting project. especially communication with websockets.
Personally, I have a question for you: Do you have a plan to integrate the React 19 Server Component feature into NestJS?

samchon profile image
Jeongho Nam β€’ β€’ Edited

Are you meaning that composing React Server Components in the NestJS, and the react server component is calling its own server API functions through the SDK generated by Nestia? If that, I have not tried it yet, but will not be any problem considering it in the theoretical level.

A Workflow Copilot. Tailored to You. image

Our desktop app, with its intelligent copilot, streamlines coding by generating snippets, extracting code from screenshots, and accelerating problem-solving.

Read the docs

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