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Vue 3 Admin Template

Devs, Please I have a question and I hope you help me with an answer or any of your followers that sees this. I'm a react dev and I'm transitioning to Vue, Vue 3 actually, I have learned it and built couple of projects etc it like expense tracker, todo app etc. Now I'm gonna be in a team to work on a project. So I was sent a template, admin template starter kits. I ran the template and it has documentation inside of it. I'm reading the guide in the docs but I'm curious about something. If tasks is given to me, probably to implement a feature or somewhat
Is there gonna be a specific way to go about it? I have worked in a team before during my internship but we didn't work with a template. So I need explanations on how to navigate through it and what would be expected of me. If anyone has worked on a template before.
Thanks Devs

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