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Cover image for Beach Escapes : The Top 10
Sandip Kumar Das
Sandip Kumar Das

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Beach Escapes : The Top 10

This is a submission for [Frontend Challenge v24.04.17]((, Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

You can check out my project live here: Dev-challenges Beach
Here’s a quick demo:

Access the code at:


Inspiration and Idea
I was inspired to build this website because I wanted to create a serene and inviting online space that reminds people of the beauty and relaxation of a beach vacation. The idea was to blend beautiful visuals with a simple, intuitive user experience.

Development Process
I began by outlining the key sections I wanted on the website, such as a welcoming homepage, a gallery of beach images, and informative sections about beach activities and destinations.

Using [Figma/Sketch/Adobe XD], I designed wireframes and mockups to ensure the layout was both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. The design focused on using soothing colors and high-quality images to evoke a beach atmosphere.

3.Technology Stack:
o Frontend: The website was built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I utilized libraries like Shery JS GSAP to ensure a better user experience
o Hosting: The website is hosted on GitHub Pages, which provides a simple and effective way to deploy static sites.

o Homepage: Features a welcoming banner with a stunning beach image, a brief introduction, and navigation links to other sections.
o Information Sections: Detailed sections about beach activities, destinations, and tips, styled using CSS for a clean and consistent look.
o Interactive Elements: Implemented interactive elements like hover effects and smooth scrolling to enhance user engagement.

Challenges and Learning
During the development process, I faced several challenges:
Responsive Design: Ensuring the website looked great on all devices, from large desktop screens to small mobile phones. I learned to effectively use media queries and responsive design principles.
Smooth Scrolling: While making the website smooth scrolling and the planning of scrolling animations are bit of problem.

Future Plans
I am particularly proud of the overall look and feel of the website, especially the seamless integration of high-quality visuals and smooth user interactions. Next, I hope to:
Add More Interactive Features: Such as a virtual tour of beach destinations or interactive maps.
SEO Optimization: Improve search engine optimization to attract more visitors.
User Feedback: Implement a feedback form to gather visitor input for continuous improvement.

Top comments (1)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Nice work!