Let me share with you 3 interesting #cpp posts from December.
As I wrote during the earlier months, I don't take the most popular articles anymore, because I find that while some articles do meet the criteria to add #cpp as a tag, but they are not mostly about C++. So there is a bit of subjectivity to this list. I also try not to include multiple articles from the same author and I don't include the wrap-up of the previous month either ;)
Feel free to share your favourite one in the comments.
Chris wrote the most popular articles on C++ this month, not just one, but a already six in his C++ beginners series. Thank you, Chris, keep them coming!

C++ from the beginning - your first program
Chris Noring for Microsoft Azure ・ Nov 3 '21 ・ 4 min read
Calin also wrote for beginners and his explanation on rvalues, lvalues and copy constructors were popular.

C++ vocabulary for beginners.
Calin Baenen ・ Nov 7 '21 ・ 2 min read
Last but not least, JLi touched a very important topic; static code analysis. That's something we should be all aware of and more than that, we should all practice. Thanks for bringing up this important topic!
Happy coding!
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