Do you trust your clipboard enough to copy secret information like credentials, tokens, etc... into it ?
In fact it's possible for an hacker to watch changement from your clipboard and get all text/elements you're copying/pasting, in this case using xclip
So i was thinking about a solution on hide what am copying so that if the hacker get the content of my clipboard he will not get anything from it !
I did asymmetric clipboard encryption using RSA with bash, you can customize the paths of your public/private keys.
Then I added shortcuts to my system to encrypt the data I'm copying... using Ctrl+Alt+C
instead of Ctrl+C
and to paste, 'Ctrl+Alt+V' instead of 'Ctrl+V'...
# By d4rk3r
# This script can :
# - generate keys pair (rsa 2048)
# - rsa encrypt the content of your clipboard/selected element
# - rsa decrypt the content of your encrypted clipboard storage
# requirements :
# - apt install xclip
# - apt install openssl
# - apt install xdotool
# the path where the encrypted data will be saved
mkdir ${HOME}/.css/
openssl genrsa -out $PRIVATE_KEY_PATH 2048;
openssl rsa -in $PRIVATE_KEY_PATH -out $PUBLIC_KEY_PATH -outform PEM -pubout
# We get the output of xclip and encrypt it
echo "$(xclip -o)" | openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey $PUBLIC_KEY_PATH -pubin -out $SECRET_STORE_PATH
# We save a custom message to the clipboard
echo "-css-encrypted-value-" | xclip -i
# We decrypt using our private key
string=`openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey $PRIVATE_KEY_PATH -in $SECRET_STORE_PATH`;
# We print to the clipboard de decrypted value
sleep 0.5;
xdotool getactivewindow type "$string"
echo "" | xclip -i
echo "./ gen # To generate keys pair"
echo "./ enc # To encrypt the clipboard selection/saved"
echo "./ dec # To decrypt the clipboard and put"
# The main function
if [ "$1" == "generate" ] || [ "$1" == "gen" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "encrypt" ] || [ "$1" == "enc" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "decrypt" ] || [ "$1" == "dec" ]; then
echo "[x] Error: Bad parameter provided..."
main $1
Source code : github project
Have FUN !
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