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Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan
Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan

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Persistence in Entity Framework

Persistence in Entity Framework refers to the mechanism by which data is stored and retrieved from a database using the Entity Framework (EF). Entity Framework is an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework that simplifies the process of interacting with databases by providing an abstraction layer over the database.

Entity Framework offers different approaches for persistence, including the Code-First and Database-First approaches. Here's a brief explanation of how persistence works in Entity Framework:

  1. Entity Mapping: Persistence starts with defining the mapping between your .NET classes (entities) and database tables. In Code-First, you use attributes or fluent API to specify the mapping details. In Database-First, EF generates entity classes based on an existing database schema.

  2. DbContext: The DbContext class represents the database session and acts as a bridge between your application and the database. It provides functionality for querying, saving, and managing entities.

  3. Querying: To retrieve data from the database, you can use LINQ (Language Integrated Query) or query methods provided by EF, such as Find(), Where(), FirstOrDefault(), etc. These queries are translated by EF into SQL queries and executed against the database.

  4. Saving Changes: When you modify or create new entities, you can use the Add(), Remove(), or Update() methods provided by the DbContext to track changes. To persist these changes, you call the SaveChanges() method on the DbContext, which translates the tracked changes into appropriate SQL statements and executes them against the database.

  5. Transactions: Entity Framework supports transactions to ensure data integrity. You can wrap multiple database operations within a transaction using the TransactionScope class or the BeginTransaction() method of the DbContext. This allows you to commit or roll back a group of operations atomically.

  6. Concurrency: Entity Framework provides mechanisms for handling concurrency conflicts. When multiple users attempt to modify the same entity simultaneously, EF can detect conflicts and raise exceptions or provide options for conflict resolution.

  7. Database Migration: Entity Framework includes a feature called "Migrations" that enables you to evolve your database schema over time. Migrations allow you to update the database structure in a controlled and automated manner while preserving existing data.

These are the key steps involved in persisting data using Entity Framework. The framework abstracts away the low-level details of database interaction, providing a convenient and developer-friendly way to work with databases in .NET applications.

In Entity Framework, a connected scenario refers to a pattern where the database connection is open for the entire duration of a unit of work. In this scenario, you open a database connection, perform a series of operations, and then close the connection. This pattern is commonly used for short-lived operations or when you need fine-grained control over the database connection.

Here's how a connected scenario typically works in Entity Framework:

  1. Create a DbContext instance: Instantiate a DbContext, which represents the database session, by creating an instance of your derived DbContext class. For example:
   using (var context = new YourDbContext())
       // Perform operations within the context
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  1. Perform database operations: Within the using block, you can perform various operations using the DbContext. This may include querying data, modifying existing entities, creating new entities, or executing stored procedures.

  2. Save changes: After modifying or adding entities, call the SaveChanges() method on the DbContext to persist the changes to the database. This sends the necessary SQL statements to the database and commits the changes. For example:

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  1. Handle exceptions: When working in a connected scenario, exceptions related to database connectivity or integrity may occur. You should handle these exceptions appropriately, such as by rolling back changes, logging errors, or notifying the user.

  2. Close the DbContext: Once you have completed the unit of work, the using block automatically disposes of the DbContext, which also closes the database connection. This ensures that the resources are released and the connection is returned to the connection pool for reuse.

The connected scenario is suitable for short-lived operations where the database connection is opened and closed relatively quickly. It allows for efficient use of database connections and is generally used for operations that do not require long-running transactions or complex concurrency handling.

In Entity Framework, a disconnected scenario refers to a pattern where the database connection is only open for a short period of time to retrieve data or perform updates, and then the connection is closed. The data is then manipulated and processed outside of the database context, without an active connection. This pattern is commonly used when you need to work with data offline or perform complex business logic before persisting changes back to the database.

Here's how a disconnected scenario typically works in Entity Framework:

  1. Create a DbContext instance and retrieve data: Instantiate a DbContext, which represents the database session, by creating an instance of your derived DbContext class. Use the DbContext to query the database and retrieve the required data. For example:
   using (var context = new YourDbContext())
       var entities = context.YourEntities.ToList();
       // Perform operations with the retrieved entities
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  1. Close the DbContext: Once you have retrieved the required data, close the DbContext by disposing of it. This closes the database connection and frees up resources.

  2. Manipulate and process the data: After closing the DbContext, you can work with the retrieved entities outside of the database context. You can perform various operations, such as filtering, sorting, aggregating, or applying business logic to the data.

  3. Make changes to the entities: If you need to modify the entities, update their properties as needed.

  4. Reopen the DbContext and save changes: When you're ready to persist the changes back to the database, create a new instance of the DbContext, attach the modified entities to it, and save the changes. For example:

   using (var context = new YourDbContext())
       context.Entry(modifiedEntity).State = EntityState.Modified;
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  1. Handle exceptions: Similar to the connected scenario, handle any exceptions that may occur during the process, such as concurrency conflicts or database connectivity issues.

In a disconnected scenario, the database connection is only needed briefly to retrieve data or persist changes. The actual data manipulation and processing happen outside of the database context, allowing for more flexibility and control over the business logic. This pattern is commonly used in scenarios where offline data processing, complex algorithms, or extensive business rules are involved before updating the database.

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