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Vesi Staneva for

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SashiDo releases the latest Parse Server Versions with GraphQL support

Releasing new Parse Server Versions is always an exciting moment for SashiDo’s team, but today’s announcement of v3.5.0 and v3.6.0 is something really special... Today a dream of ours is coming true! We’re happy to mark on our timeline the beginning of a journey through a whole new universe of opportunities by introducing GraphQL support on SashiDo.

The New Parse Server Versions

We have released two new Parse Server versions together and SashiDo customers can now take advantage of the new features and improvements they are bringing.

Undoubtedly the star in v3.5.0 is the added support for GraphQL. Still, it is also worth mentioning Sign in with Apple is now available and ready for the public release of iOS 13 in September. On the other hand, v.3.6.0 brings mostly fixes of known issues that will ease your work.

In case you’re interested, here is a full list of the fixes and feature additions introduced in the latest versions.

N.B. There is a reported memory leak for v3.5.0 and v3.6.0, so we recommend upgrading only for development apps until a fix is implemented.

Let’s talk GraphQL…

GraphQL is a query language for APIs open-sourced by Facebook and used by big companies such as GitHub, Yelp, Twitter, Shopify and more. It provides a flexible and efficient alternative to REST that helps developers build snappy and stable apps with ease.

Here are the top 3 reasons why we love GraphQL:

  • Queries that always return predictable results.
  • GraphQL APIs get all the data your app needs in a single request.
  • GraphQL fetches your data and responds to queries from a single endpoint.

GraphQL + Parse Server

Although this is just the beginning and the capabilities are still limited, you can now have an easy way of GraphQL API running on top of Parse Server. Functionalities such as Auto Schema, Users Authentication, Files, Class Objects supporting all data types and CRUD operations for MongoDB and Postgres are available to give you a taste of what the future holds.

The GraphQL Playground in SashiDo’s Dashboard

You can guess by its name this is where the fun starts! Here is a quick glimpse of how the GraphQL API on SashiDo looks like:

What’s next?

Our team is constantly pushing the limits by bringing cutting edge technologies to SashiDo and on top of that, the Parse Community is already working hard to add more features to the GraphQL API, such as Cloud Code Functions, Subscriptions, and support to all other Parse Server routes. We strongly believe exploring the full potential of GraphQL with a Parse backend is not too far along the road, so stay tuned!

Useful Resources

GraphQL Support for Parse Server Announcement
Parse GraphQL Guide
GraphQL Official Documentation
Libraries for implement GraphQL in different languages
The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL

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