I'm not quite sure about Mac users but updating VS Code in Ubuntu manually is always a pain and consumes some of my valuable time which I can use it for other things. Thus I wrote a shell script to update my VS Code just by executing it. [./😉.sh]
Find the script in this GitHubGist.
Top comments (12)
On Windows 10 and Macs, it updates automatically.
Even in this release the update time was far less than what it used to be.
On Linux, it'll take me to the download page. 😛
Actually it says, restart to update.
Restart what?
the editor.
Oops! I never noticed it. 😐
I've created an improved script for the .tar-gz version, in case anyone is interested:
If you installed it on Debian/Ubuntu-based systems using .deb file it will add the official Microsoft repository to your system's APT sources.
I think the title should be " A shell script to update VS Code on Ubuntu Linux".
I opened an issue about inline update on Linux distros.
I'm not sure about other Linux distros too.
If I'm not wrong I just added the ppa and the VS Code updates automatically every time I fire up the update manager.
Using Linux Mint.