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Cover image for Are you TOO OLD to start coding? Use this tool to find out!
Savvas Stephanides
Savvas Stephanides

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Are you TOO OLD to start coding? Use this tool to find out!

Coding is an exciting field, there's no doubt about that. It's an attractive field, but a lot of people are put off for one simple reason: they feel they are too old to start coding. But are you?

To help you answer this question, I have created a super simple tool called "Too Old To Code?".

To use it, just click on the link below and enter your age. The tool will immediately tell you if you're too old to code. Give it a go!

πŸ”₯ Are you Too Old to Code?

Share your results here!

Top comments (35)

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard

Apparently, at (Number.MAX_VALUE+1) I'm too old to code :(

lionelrowe profile image

Ahh, but you can never age to Number.MAX_VALUE. Once you hit Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1, you stop aging every birthday:

const startAge = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1
let currentAge = startAge

const happyBirthday = () => {

for (let i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {

console.log(currentAge === startAge) // true
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jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard

JavaScript invented immortality πŸ’’

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savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

That’s just an infinite loop πŸ”

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Haha πŸ˜‚

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

That's probably a bug in the tool

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard

It's a joke, the number doesn't exist in JavaScript

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savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

I know 😬

craftyminer1971 profile image

I thought this was a gag tool, so I tried it out. And, at 51, I'm not too old to code. But, looking at the other comments for this thread, the said even at 99 he's not too old. Thanks for the little kick up the butt. BUT, I may not be too old to code, but with me, it's not the age that's the problem. I don't have any motivation or inspiration to code anything in particular. I even put up a challenge that someone could turn my interest to coding once again. I'm still waiting! Thanks for the laugh, though.

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

I’m sure you’ll find the motivation you need. Imagine what you could create and how many people you can help just by using your mind and a few lines of weird text! πŸ”₯

nikdjem profile image
Nikolai Djemerenov

I am 1 year older than you.
Everything about coding is new and difficult for me. I haven't a mentor and I make many mistakes. But I have motivation, a lot of motivation, I will never stop learning till I reach my dream to be a web developer. I start at the end of 2020 and I want to give up many times, but I am still in the game and I know that the success is round the corner . Be patient and consistent. May the pation be with you!

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

We might have a slight issue that the sun will have already exploded by then, but sure. Why not!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, love it! πŸ™Œ

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Thank you Michael. Hope the result was what you were hoping 😬

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Well, I was looking for an excuse not to start, but dangit... apparently even when I'm 99, I'm still young enough! πŸ˜†

picture of Savvas' application telling me "No, at age 99, you're not too old to learn to code!"

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savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Well it’s true! Get to it 😬

vulcanwm profile image


savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Thanks, Medea! πŸ”₯

ca55idy profile image

Guess what, no one needs this tool. The answer is no. If you're open to learning, you will learn end of

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

This is the whole point of this "tool", Cassidy. No matter what age you put in there (even something astronomical like "999999999999999999999999999999", it will still tell you that you're not too old to code. It's not actually useful tool, it's meant as a joke just to make a point πŸ™‚

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Age has no limit when coding.

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Very true!

youngdev_ profile image

I see you are fan of console.log in production too

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

The best debugging tool in existence? Of course I’m a fan!

incrementis profile image
Akin C.

Hello Savvas Stephanides,

thanks for your tool

It was amusing to use and I agree with the result(s) :D

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Glad you found out useful Akin!

hyggedev profile image
Chris Hansen

πŸ˜‚ Nice one. Very good stuff her folks.

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Glad you found it useful, Chris! πŸ˜†

ideadpads145 profile image

what a joke

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Awww, thank you! This is the best compliment I've received for my tool. Means a lot.

1alp1eren profile image

It's subtle :)

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Haha πŸ˜†

elayeche profile image

Hello this is my result :
No, at age 56, you're not too old to learn to code! Enjoy!

savvasstephnds profile image
Savvas Stephanides

Let's get to it then! πŸ’ͺ

flkdnt profile image
Dante Foulke


No, even at age 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, you're not too old to learn to code! Enjoy!