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Saymon Tavares
Saymon Tavares

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5 tips in PHP 🐘

In this article, I’ll show you 10 tips that can improve your PHP code πŸ” 🐘
In order to make this article easier to read, I’ll write some pieces of code that I’ve encountered and introduce a commented solution if needed, as you know there are 4242424242424 ways to do the same thing ✨ and It’s OK to disagree with my solution πŸ˜…

πŸ‘€ For my examples I use PHP 7.4
🏁 πŸ”₯

1 - In this use case, just return the expression πŸ‘Œ

if($foo === 42) {
    return true;
return false;

// can be
return $foo === 42;
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2 - Null coalescing operator for the win 😍

if($foo !== null) {
    return $foo;
return $bar;

// can be
return $foo ?? $bar;
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πŸ’‘ It’s very handy to avoid exceptions when you want to access a key that doesn’t exist

3 - Straight to the point πŸ₯…

$this->user = ['firstname' => 'smaine', 'mail' => ''];

return $this->user;

// can be
return $this->user = ['firstname' => 'smaine', 'mail' => ''];
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4 - Initialize your helper once πŸ˜›

class FooTransformer
    private $propertyAccessor;

    public function transform(array $data): Foo
        $accessor = $this->getAccessor();
        // stuff

    private function getAccessor(): PropertyAccess
        return $this->propertyAccessor ??= PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor(); // @lito 
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5 - Unpack an array 🎩

$users = [
    ['smaone', 'php'],
    ['baptounet', 'javascript'],

foreach($users as [$username, $language]) {
    // $username contains the 1st key "smaone" for the 1st iteration
    // $language contains the 2nd key "php" for the 1st iteration
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In the same way, we can also assign variables from an array, it is useful if a function returns an array πŸš€

function getFullname(int $id): array
    $statement = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id, lastname, firstname FROM user WHERE id = ?");
    $result = $statement->fetch();

    // suppose $result contains [42, 'luke', 'lucky'];
    return $result;

// main.php 
[$id, $lastname, $firstname] = getFullname(42);
// $id contains 42
// $lastname contains luke
// $firstname contains lucky
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I hope you enjoyed the read!

Feel free to follow me on GitHub, LinkedIn and DEV for more!

Top comments (4)

lito profile image
    private function getAccessor(): PropertyAccess
        return $this->propertyAccessor ?? $this->propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor(); 
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Is same as:

    private function getAccessor(): PropertyAccess
        return $this->propertyAccessor ??= PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor(); 
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nfcristea profile image
Florin Cristea • Edited

??= will also assign the value on first call, besides checking if it's set, meaning that the second time it gets reached it will have a value assigned and PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor() will no longer get called.
?? is just a classic isset check meaning the call to createProperyAccesor() is made every time it gets reached.
They're quite different although they look similar.

saymon profile image
Saymon Tavares

thanks guy!

bdelespierre profile image
Benjamin Delespierre

Here's another one for you: extract variables from string using patterns

$str = "123:456";

preg_match('/(\d+):(\d+)/', $str, $matches);

list(, $a, $b) = $matches + [null, null, null];

var_dump($a, $b); // 123, 456
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