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Scofield Idehen
Scofield Idehen

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Why is Programming so Difficult? 

Programming is notoriously known as one of the most mentally demanding fields and skills to master. But why does learning to code and becoming a proficient programmer pose such a difficult challenge? Recent surveys provide insight into the issue:

  • According to a poll by Coding Dojo, 98% of respondents said that programming is "very difficult."
  • An IEEE Spectrum survey found that of all major STEM fields, software engineering and programming were ranked highest in difficulty.

With such a consensus on the formidable nature of coding, it is worth analyzing the core reasons why programming is so hard to learn and succeed in.

While programming can be a fulfilling career with plenty of upside, beginners should be forewarned—it requires an intense amount of analytical ability, problem-solving skills, creativity, and persistence to overcome the key difficulties.

The Complex Grammar and Syntax of Programming Languages

One of the primary challenges of programming is mastering the grammar and syntax rules of whatever language you are working in.

Whether it is Python, Java, or C++, each programming language has its own rigid set of grammar that must be adhered to precisely.

Just one small syntax error can lead to dysfunction. According to Codecademy’s forums, 32% of learners say mastering syntax is the hardest part of learning to code.

Some programming languages are more complex than others. For example, C++ is notoriously difficult to master due to its intricate syntax rules, while Python is praised for its simplicity and readability.

However, all languages come with a learning curve. Let’s examine some of the syntactical elements that prove challenging:

  • Parentheses, brackets, and braces: matching sets properly takes vigilance.
  • Semicolons, full-stops, commas: these precise separators need to be correct.
  • Conditional logic symbols: properly aligning if/else statements.
  • Indentation: spaces vs. tabs and proper nesting.
  • Case sensitivity: capital vs. lower case distinctions.

According to Codecademy, 15% of all syntax errors among learners relate to improper indentation.

The syntax components above are just a subset of the rules that must be become totally familiar. Truly mastering syntax takes extensive repetition and practice. But persistence pays off in eliminating frustrating errors down the road.

Mastering Conceptual Complexity and Abstraction

Beyond proper syntax, the conceptual complexity required in programming also proves extremely challenging.

Computing architecture has many layers of abstraction built on top of the actual machine code executed. As a programmer, you must operate at these higher conceptual levels while understanding how code corresponds to actual hardware operations.

Some of the abstract programming concepts that often pose difficulty include:

  • Data structures: choosing the optimal data structures for tasks.
  • Algorithms: developing efficient and logical algorithms.
  • Object-oriented paradigms: models of real-world objects and interactions.
  • Concurrency: dealing with simultaneous operations and threads.
  • Design patterns: recognizing common abstract solutions to frequent issues.
  • Architecture: understanding how code interacts with systems architecture.

According to a study by the University of Washington, failure to master programming abstraction concepts was a leading factor among students who dropped out of an intro course.

The intense abstraction required strains the cognitive mind of new learners. Developing this high-level conceptual mastery takes time and experience. But it enables programmers to build complex, scalable programs.

The Constantly Evolving Nature of Programming

Unlike fields with more defined foundations, programming requires perpetual learning to keep pace. New programming languages, frameworks, tools, and best practices emerge continually. Consider that roughly 10-15 new programming languages are released every year. Or that at least one new JavaScript framework comes out monthly.

This state of constant change presents a formidable challenge. Programmers must actively keep learning to avoid skills obsolescence. Some key stats about the programming landscape illustrate this:

  • As of 2022, there were 700+ programming languages in existence.
  • GitHub adds over 1.2 million new repositories every month.
  • New tooling like Docker has led to a 224% increase in containerization.
  • Demand for blockchain engineers has grown over 600% since 2018.

This hyper-evolving nature means programmers must continuously expand their skills and adapt to new paradigms.

Learning modern languages and frameworks is crucial for programmers today. Keeping up with the latest methodologies and tooling through blogs, online courses, certifications, and training is also essential.

Patience and Persistence Through Problem-Solving

Programming, at its core, involves problem-solving. However, programming problems often differ from conventional analytical problems.

Programming problems are more expansive and open-ended. Assessing requirements, defining edge cases, and properly scoping solutions can involve complex critical thinking.

There are no predefined formulas or routines to implement. Programmers must show creativity and insight to devise unique solutions using code. Let's examine some of the problem-solving challenges faced:

  • Defining and understanding program specifications
  • Decomposing larger problems into logical steps
  • Wrestling with ambiguity and undefined requirements
  • Testing and debugging code through trial and error
  • Reassessing and refining initial solutions over time

Programming puzzles like Project Euler problems or LeetCode challenges highlight the intense analytical skills required. In sum, programming demands a tenacious, methodical approach to problem-solving.

Turning an initial concept into functional, efficient code takes patience and logical rigor. Programmers will inevitably hit walls and encounter setbacks. Pushing past these hurdles to arrive at that breakthrough moment is incredibly rewarding. Persistence through failure is key.

The Practical Realities of Programming as a Career

Beyond the intellectual challenges, several more practical realities make succeeding as a professional programmer difficult:

  • Tight deadlines and time pressures - Programming projects often follow aggressive timelines. This necessitates efficient coding under duress.
  • Maintaining and updating legacy code - Working with outdated, undocumented legacy code bases that are confusing but business-critical.
  • Team collaboration - Coordinating and communicating clearly with other programmers and teams.
  • Client demands and requirement changes - Continually changing specifications that lead to modifications in code.
  • Sustaining motivation - Pushing through frustrations while maintaining stamina for coding marathons.

These "real-world" aspects of programming turn it into a demanding job. An effective programmer in a business setting requires systematic discipline and composure under stress.

Programming is Hard but Rewarding

As evidenced above, programming forces intensive demands on analytical ability, conceptual thinking, and practical skills.

The difficulty manifests in syntax mastery, abstraction comprehension, problem-solving, career realities, and the always-evolving landscape.

But programming ultimately enables the creation of amazing products and solutions. The financial upsides as a programmer are well established. Glassdoor lists the average programmer salary at $76,526 annually as of 2022.

Beyond pay, programming offers a fulfilling intellectual career where you can build anything you dream up.

So, while the road is undoubtedly arduous, programming difficulty is surmountable through smart preparation.

Taking introductory courses, studying computer science foundations, participating in coding challenges, and joining an active programming community will all help overcome the obstacles. Patience and persistence are key. The difficulty makes arriving at those “aha!” moments throughout the journey profoundly rewarding.

If you want to become a programmer, then this article is your guide to becoming one. It explains everything from start to finish on how to build technical skills and what to do.

If you find this post exciting, find more exciting posts on Learnhub Blog; we write everything tech from Cloud computing to Frontend Dev, Cybersecurity, AI, and Blockchain.

Top comments (36)

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

I can answer that one: If something seems difficult, it is usually an indication you are learning. After 30 years in the industry I am still learning (and long may it continue) and I still have difficult days. The pleasure comes when all your hard work bears fruit.

scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

True, I like how you put it. (and long may it continue), learning is difficult, but it should not be too difficult wouldn't you agree?

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

I hate to say this, at risk of sounding elitist: I think the software engineering industry can (and benefits greatly from) gainfully employ people from all walks of life and all educational disciplines but it is not be for everyone. If you are truly finding the pursuit too difficult, maybe the profession is not for you. That said, I sincerely hope you continue the struggle and find the pleasure that comes from solving puzzles and gaining knowledge. Life is too short to spend it working in something you do not enjoy. It is easy for me to say but, don't fall for chasing the money (it is a false nirvana).
Best regards, Tracy

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alogan5201 profile image

I agree. It is definitely not for everyone. However, that doesn’t mean you need to have a dying passion for it to have an enjoyable career. It’s one of those things where you need to still have a minimal amount of interest and motivation to continue debugging when your 7 days deep into fixing a bug with no end in sight. You meed mental stamina but you also need to have a reasonable desire to make the thing do the thing.

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scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

True, you need deep mental stamina to keep going as there is no light at the end of the tunnel on this path!!

rivercory profile image

Programming seems easy only when you enjoy it.

scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

Why it seem like hobby to some, to others its a pathway to get good jobs.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

Why not both? 👍

I think it's as difficult as you make it. I started aged 7 and never once found it difficult... it's always been interesting and enjoyable.

Code is like Lego - a toy to convert your thoughts into functional realities. It's always been one of my favourite toys, and it still is. A nice side benefit is that is the good jobs that you mention.

I honestly think that following a prescribed path is the wrong way to go about learning to program. A far better way is just to follow your curiosity - building whatever you like. You'll naturally develop an understanding of all the concepts as you go, and have fun doing it!

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rivercory profile image

That's a good thing to say. I started programming when I was 11 years old, but I have fun programming with you. When I first started, I started programming with a book. I felt like I was in the frame. I left the book on the bookshelf for a while to get rid of the frame and programmed only in my own way. I wouldn't have had fun programming if I had just looked at books. Thank you for the nice words 😀

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scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

While I strongly believe you are right, I speak from a different perspective.

I am an art student, love literature and history.

I learned programming to solve a unique problem I could not pay for because I could not afford it at the time.

My point when you start early, it is easy to conform your mind to the logic and path.

But when you start as a necessity it is a whole lot different.

Finally, I believe there can be two truths to this.

Wouldn't you agree?

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scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

I agree.

According to what I said to @jon randy starting early as some advantage and that is not for everyone.

Some started as a necessity and that is different.

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jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

I think you can (and should) treat learning as play at any age, but it's probably easier with the pliable mind of a child.

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scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

That's the point.

I run a STEM center for kids ans I can tell you with confidence that kids learn faster.

What would take days for me would be hours for this young mind

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tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

Learning is easier when you are having fun but that does not preclude it being difficult - quite the opposite in fact. That is why cultures all over the planet have puzzles in a wide variety of forms.

@jon "... one of my favourite toys..." I absolutely concur with that. As a child I liked construction sets (Lego, Meccano etc.) but found two things frustrating. 1) One often ran out of a critical part or had to modify (bend) a part, which was never the same again. 2) Before building a new model one had to deconstruct complete models. I have yet to experience either of these frustrations when writing software.

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miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

I am sure learning is different for everyone, and this is the challenge of choosing "a way" to learn, perhaps try different ways of learning until something clicks.

For me, I echo Jon and Tracy in that I wanted to make something. I was never much good with Lego and my Mecano stuff looked like a scrap heap. I guess my code did too for the longest time... but I wanted to create and I did create, not the most beautiful or elegant things to start with - but things nonetheless. I see coding as a creative act, both in the structure and the output - not everyone does for sure, but I found the path that worked for me.

jimajs profile image
Jima Victor

Computers speak binary; humans speak English, Spanish, German, Chinese etc (depending on your location).

Programming languages were created to bridge the gap between human languages and binary. Languages that allow you speak closely with a computer system are harder to learn and are regarded as low-level languages while languages that don't allow you speak closely with a computer system are easier to learn and are regarded as high-level languages.

Some people will say programming is easy and everyone should learn how to program a computer. I'll say that's false. Programming is not easy, and you're only going to see significant progress in learning when you focus.

scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

When you focus, I enjoyed your submission.

overflow profile image

this making of new frameworks every 5 minutes and making of new languages must end. its annoying....

scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

I share the same strong belief!!

overflow profile image

to be honest Frameworks are also new languages. We have to honest with that !!! but some people like to make it like if you already know JS then React is easy.
Im like: " dude thats more stuff for me to memorize and it is not any near to

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scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

There are branches from the real language, like using React from the Javascript language or Django from Python.

I find Javascript more straightforward than React.

I am really sorry you are finding it difficult; I am, too.

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overflow profile image

thanx dont worry we hold on !!! hopefully artificial intelligence does not overtake us lol while we are mentally darting about.

alogan5201 profile image

This article is great and I think it is a fair summarization of the overall challenges. To expand on some positive notes already mentioned.. Being a programmer means you are standing on the shoulders of giants. While the job is difficult you have an incredible amount of information, resources and tools to your disposal that not only makes it possible to do a good job but to innovate and improve. Yes, it is difficult but it’s so rewarding. Learning will be an ongoing challenge that will never end but it can often be surprisingly satisfying and enjoyable. I also would like to note one thing. It’s not as difficult as it may seem at times. Most people CAN (not necessarily should) learn to code. Its a skill that requires dedication, patience and some level of interest but I don’t think anyone should feel like they’re not “smart” enough to do it. I suck at math. But guess what I know how to write programs to do math for me. It literally DOES it for me. You don't always need to know whats behind the hood. But you gotta know how to drive it and holy hell it’s quite the ride.

scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

This is deeply insightful

flowzai profile image

Whenever you learn programming in a truly passionate way, there is a lot of fun waiting, and this is why programming is the heart of digital earth.

scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

True. However, how can you find it interesting when it's either that or penury?

scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen


artxe2 profile image
Yeom suyun

98% of respondents said that programming is "very difficult."

I don't really agree with the survey results.
What are the difficult-level tasks that are just one step below?

scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

Can you rephrase?

artxe2 profile image
Yeom suyun

I think some parts of programming are suitable for "very difficult", but not at a general level.
I am curious about what tasks people who think programming is "very difficult" find "difficult."

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overflow profile image

i find it hard getting to gauge my skill level particularly in javaScript. I am annoyed about the number of languages and this mentality that you must learn all the languages when I'm struggling with JS already. I think I spent the last three weeks trying to figure out Promises and then I found myself diving into a rabbit hole; from Promises to APIs through callback hells, fetch and requests etc etc . That is very annoying and it sometime happens very regularly and I think the bigger issue is sometimes some of the tutorials online are not good enough. I think some "nerds" out there enjoy the idea that they might be making things difficult for other fellow would be future "geeks" but yet still at the then moment still noobs.

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scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

I think one of the most difficult aspects for me was understanding the data structure and syntax distribution for different codes, why cant all of them be the same syntax style?

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scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen

Wow, this is deep.

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overflow profile image

very deep.....i mean its the basis for the warped existence of this culture of new release....could we be focused on making things better? instead of mentally darting from here to there just looking to learn the newest fad. at the end of the day we become jacks of all trades instead of masters because we are spreading our mental resources thin!!!
that is my one cent.

system profile image


scofieldidehen profile image
Scofield Idehen
