In today's fast-paced digital landscape, building scalable and resilient applications is paramount. As systems grow in complexity, the need for efficient communication between various services becomes crucial. Enter NestJS a powerful Node.js framework that leverages TypeScript to help developers create modular and maintainable server-side applications.
A service bus is a messaging infrastructure that facilitates communication between different components or services/microservices in a distributed system. It enables the decoupling of services, allowing them to communicate with each other asynchronously through messages instead of direct calls. This decoupling helps improve applications' scalability, fault tolerance, and maintainability.
Instead of wiring, and configuring everything manually, what if you could have a single library that simplifies asynchronous and synchronous message handling? @nestjstools/messaging — offering an all-in-one solution with built-in support for buses, handlers, channels, and consumers. No need to build everything from scratch — just focus on your business logic while the library takes care of the rest!
Get Started
npm install -g @nestjs/cli // install nest CLI
nest new messaging_project // create project
cd messaging_project
npm i @nestjstools/messaging // install library
Define Messaging module
imports: [
buses: [
name: 'command.bus',
channels: ['name-of-channel'],
name: 'event.bus',
channels: ['name-of-channel'],
channels: [
new InMemoryChannelConfig({
name: 'name-of-channel',
debug: true,
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [
export class AppModule {}
Create message & message handlers
Let’s say it will be our command & command handler
export class CreateUser {
public readonly name: string,
) {
import { IMessageBus, IMessageHandler, MessageBus, MessageHandler, RoutingMessage } from '@nestjstools/messaging';
export class CreateUserHandler implements IMessageHandler<CreateUser>{
@MessageBus('event.bus') private readonly eventBus: IMessageBus,
) {
handle(message: CreateUser): Promise<object | void> {
// TODO Logic there
console.log(`Creating user... ${}`);
this.eventBus.dispatch(new RoutingMessage(new UserCreated(, 'my_app_event.user_created'))
return Promise.resolve();
Let’s say it will be our event & event handler
export class UserCreated {
public readonly name: string,
) {
import { IMessageHandler, MessageHandler } from '@nestjstools/messaging';
export class SendEmailOnUserCreatedHandler implements IMessageHandler<UserCreated>{
constructor(private readonly sender: InMemoryEmailSender) {
handle(message: UserCreated): Promise<object | void> {
//TODO Logic there
console.log(`Sending email ... for ${}`);
return Promise.resolve();
Define them as providers
imports: [
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [
export class AppModule {}
Send the requests via our generated controller
import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CreateUser } from './application/command/create-user';
import { IMessageBus, MessageBus, RoutingMessage } from '@nestjstools/messaging';
export class AppController {
@MessageBus('command.bus') private commandBus: IMessageBus, //TODO inject defined bus
) {}
createUser(): string {
this.commandBus.dispatch(new RoutingMessage(new CreateUser('John'), 'my_app_command.create_user'));
return 'User created';
Let’s send a request as POST method to our endpoint at localhost:3000
and we should see it in the console:
Works! Let’s try integration with RabbitMQ
Install extension for messaging:
and use docker to setup rabbitmq locally
image: rabbitmq:3.11.20-management-alpine
- 5672:5672
- 15672:15672
docker compose up -d
npm i @nestjstools/messaging-rabbitmq-extension
Redefine your modules with a new config for rabbitmq
imports: [
buses: [
name: 'command.bus',
channels: ['async-command'],
name: 'event.bus',
channels: ['async-event'],
channels: [
new AmqpChannelConfig({
name: 'async-command',
connectionUri: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/',
exchangeName: '',
bindingKeys: ['my_app_command.#'],
exchangeType: ExchangeType.TOPIC,
queue: 'my_app.command',
avoidErrorsForNotExistedHandlers: false,
middlewares: [],
autoCreate: true,
new AmqpChannelConfig({
name: 'async-event',
connectionUri: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/',
exchangeName: '',
bindingKeys: ['my_app_event.#'],
exchangeType: ExchangeType.TOPIC,
queue: 'my_app.event',
autoCreate: true,
enableConsumer: true,
avoidErrorsForNotExistedHandlers: true,
debug: true,
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [
export class AppModule {}
Now by sending the message you can see the results in the console:
As demonstrated, the consumers are actively processing messages from the RabbitMQ queue, ensuring seamless message handling within the system. The architecture allows for effortless expansion — additional services can be easily defined, and messages can be routed directly to dedicated handlers, enabling a highly scalable and decoupled microservices ecosystem.
I’m excited to share this library with you and help simplify distributed messaging in NestJS. With everything built in one place, handling asynchronous and synchronous messages has never been easier. I look forward to seeing how it enhances your microservices architecture — happy coding!
Here is an example of a repository that includes additional components, such as middleware Example project
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