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Sh Raj
Sh Raj

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Publish an NPM Package from a GitHub Repository

How to Publish an NPM Package from a GitHub Repository

Publishing your JavaScript library as an NPM (Node Package Manager) package is a crucial step in sharing your code with the developer community. GitHub, a popular platform for hosting open-source projects, offers a seamless way to distribute your code by allowing you to publish NPM packages directly from your GitHub repository. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process step by step.


Before you start, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. A GitHub account: You'll need a GitHub account to host your code.

  2. Node.js and NPM: Make sure you have Node.js and NPM installed on your local development environment. You can download them from the official website (

  3. Git: You should have Git installed on your machine. You can download it from the official website (

  4. A GitHub repository: Create a GitHub repository containing the code you want to publish as an NPM package.

Now that you have the prerequisites ready, let's dive into the process.

Step 1: Create a package.json File

The package.json file is a crucial configuration file for your NPM package. It provides essential information about your package, such as its name, version, and dependencies. To create a package.json file, you can use the npm init command:

npm init
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During the initialization process, you'll be prompted to provide the following details:

  • Name: This is the name of your package. It should be unique and follow NPM's naming conventions.

  • Version: The initial version of your package. Typically, it starts at 1.0.0.

  • Description: A brief description of what your package does.

  • Entry Point: The main entry point for your package, usually index.js.

  • Test Command: The command to run tests for your package. You can leave this blank if your package doesn't have tests or specify a testing framework like Mocha.

  • Git Repository: The URL to your Git repository. This is used to link your NPM package to the GitHub repository.

  • Keywords: Keywords that describe your package, separated by spaces. These help others find your package on NPM.

  • Author: Your name or the name of the package author.

  • License: The license under which your package is distributed. Common options include MIT, Apache-2.0, and ISC.

Once you've provided these details, npm init will generate a package.json file with the information you've entered.

Step 2: Prepare Your Package

Make sure your GitHub repository contains all the necessary files for your package to work. This includes your package's source code files, documentation, and any other assets required for its functionality. Additionally, ensure that your package's dependencies are correctly specified in the package.json file, either in the dependencies or devDependencies section.

Step 3: Use GitHub Codespaces (Optional)

Instead of cloning your GitHub repository to your local system, you can use GitHub Codespaces, a browser-based development environment provided by GitHub. GitHub Codespaces allows you to access a terminal and execute npm commands directly from your repository's web interface. This is particularly useful if you want to avoid setting up a local development environment.

To access GitHub Codespaces, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your GitHub repository on the GitHub website.

  2. Click on the "Code" button and select "Open with Codespaces."

  3. GitHub will set up a Codespace for your repository, providing you with a browser-based development environment.

  4. In the Codespace's integrated terminal, you can execute npm commands as you normally would on your local machine.

Step 4: Log In to Your NPM Account

Before you can publish your package to the NPM registry, you need to log in to your NPM account using the npm adduser or npm login command. This step is crucial for authenticating yourself with NPM and gaining permission to publish packages. When you run the command, you'll be prompted to enter your NPM username, password, and email address.

npm adduser
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Step 5: Publish Your Package to NPM

With your package and package.json file ready, you can now publish your package to the NPM registry. Use the npm publish command to do this:

npm publish
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By default, the package will be published with the "public" access level, meaning it can be installed by anyone. The --access public flag ensures your package is publicly accessible on NPM.

Step 6: Congratulations! Check on the NPM Website

After successfully publishing your package, you can visit the NPM website ( to see your package listed. It will be available for other developers to discover and use in their projects.


Publishing an NPM package from a GitHub repository is a straightforward process once you have the necessary prerequisites in place. By following these steps and providing the required details during npm init, you can share your JavaScript library with the broader developer community. Whether you choose to develop locally or use GitHub Codespaces, the process remains accessible and efficient. Remember to keep your package up-to-date by creating new releases and maintaining the package.json file. Happy coding and sharing!

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