In vscode, open settings.
Search for font
Scroll to Editor: Font Family
I have 'Cartograph CF', Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace
Then further down - Editor: Font Ligatures - click through and set to true.
Create a new file and you can see the ligatures if you type character combinations such as
=<=> <= >=
-> --> >>- >= !=
~> := .= // /* */ /=
?. >-> =>> |>
They will visually be substituted, but remain as separate characters in the files (and clipboard).
French web developer mainly but touches everything. Volunteer mod here at DEV. I learn Nuxt at this moment and databases. โ Addict to Cappuccino and Music
| CODING: a bit of lua, html/css, fragments of js, php, twig | CMS: a bit of wordpress, gravcms | 2D: layout, vector graphics, design in general | 3D: low-poly stuff, animation |
Based on the title I thought you meant I use "sans serif" font and default theme ๐
I don't like
, btw. My eyes hurt.What if serif is a sans serif font ๐๐๐คฃ
At first it was DEV only, then I changed it intentionally ๐
Shall I answer it for dev(as mentioned in the topic) or for VSCode(as shown in the picture)?
Let's answer both. ๐
Creative human
VSCode & Hyper
4k screen
Loving Cartograph CF and have it in VSCode on my Mac on Texttastic on my iPad.
The italic styling is rather nice.
See - the screenshots are made using Cartograph CF.
@stevegroom How did you set up the Cartography font in VS code? Can you share your font settings if possible, please??
In vscode, open settings.
Search for font
Scroll to Editor: Font Family
I have 'Cartograph CF', Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace
Then further down - Editor: Font Ligatures - click through and set to true.
Create a new file and you can see the ligatures if you type character combinations such as
=<=> <= >=
-> --> >>- >= !=
~> := .= // /* */ /=
?. >-> =>> |>
They will visually be substituted, but remain as separate characters in the files (and clipboard).
Font: Fira Code.
I always wanted to use VIM
Fira Code and Ubuntu or Rubik !
On Night theme and serif (yes!)
In VS Code: Nord theme and JetBrains Mono