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Cover image for Glam Up My Markup: Beaches
Shashank Yadahalli
Shashank Yadahalli

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Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

This is a submission for [Frontend Challenge v24.04.17]((, Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

Dive into "Glam Up My Markup: Beaches"!

Calling all beach bums and frontend enthusiasts! Dev to challenge to transform a basic "Best Beaches in the World" website into a captivating, interactive experience. ️

Did you rise to the tide?

This submission prompt is a chance to showcase how can i use advanced CSS and JavaScript to not only create a visually stunning website, but also:

  1. Amplify Accessibility: Ensure everyone can explore the world's best beaches with ease. ♿
  2. Boost Usability: Make navigating the site a smooth, intuitive journey. Elevate User Experience: Go beyond the expected - what interactive elements did you incorporate to engage your visitors?
  3. Prioritize Code Quality: Write clean, maintainable code that sets the foundation for future growth. ️

What I Built


Accessibility for Everyone (WCAG): Ensure your website is inclusive, allowing everyone to explore the world's best beaches. Think clear screen reader navigation, proper color contrast for good readability, and features that cater to diverse needs. [accessibility]

Effortless Usability & User Experience (UX): Craft an interface that's intuitive and a joy to navigate. Think hover effects, smooth scrolling, and engaging elements that keep users hooked. [usability]

Unleash Your Creativity: Let your imagination take the reins! Incorporate modern design trends and interactive features that make your website stand out from the crowd. Think text gradients, backdrop filters, and stylish popups. [creativity]

Clean Code is the Key: Write maintainable and efficient code using best practices. This includes modular CSS and modern JavaScript for a rock-solid foundation. [code quality]

CSS - Your Design Weapon: Utilize CSS to its full potential! Create a visually captivating and responsive layout that adapts seamlessly to any device. Think custom fonts, icons, and animations. [css]
A Glimpse into Your Potential:

Rock-Solid Accessibility:

Semantic Structure: Build a clear and meaningful structure using semantic HTML elements, making it easier for screen readers to navigate your content.
Descriptive Alt Text: Enrich your beach images with detailed alt text, ensuring everyone understands the visuals.
High Contrast: Prioritize good color contrast for optimal readability for users with visual impairments.

Usability and User Experience Champions:

Hover Magic: Transform beach items on hover! Highlight them, display additional information, or change background colors for instant visual feedback.
Interactive Popups: Clicking a beach item can unveil a modal window brimming with details and captivating images, all without leaving the main page.
Smooth Sailing: Implement smooth scrolling for a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience.
Embrace Your Creative Spirit:

Text Gradients & Backdrop Filters: Spice things up with text gradients and backdrop filters, adding a touch of modern flair.
Popup Panache: Craft stylish popups that complement your overall website aesthetic.
Animated Elements: Bring your website to life with subtle CSS animations. Imagine gently waving animations in the background or playful button hover effects!

Modular Marvels: Organize your CSS using BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) for clear, reusable, and maintainable styles.
JavaScript Efficiency: Leverage modern ES6 features to write clean and efficient JavaScript code. Ensure your scripts load asynchronously to prevent blocking.
CSS Expertise on Display:

Custom Fonts & Icons: Integrate Google Fonts for a polished look and Font Awesome for intuitive icons that enhance usability.
Responsive Design Guru: Make sure your website flawlessly adapts to any screen size, providing an optimal experience on desktops and mobile devices alike.
Aesthetic Bliss:

Visual Harmony: Create a cohesive beach theme using a consistent color palette, typography, and imagery that evokes the tranquility and beauty of beaches.
Background Beauty: Set the scene with high-quality background images and CSS gradients to elevate the visual appeal.

Top comments (4)

hikolakita profile image

The title is beautiful! But I think you should show the infos of the beach on hover. The button is kinda too much in my opinion. Anyway, great submission :)

shashank_y profile image
Shashank Yadahalli

Hi click on show more, it will give you information and by the way click on button it will open Youtube video and cancel button

hikolakita profile image

Oh yea! Very good idea for the youtube video :)

sergo profile image

I like the title with animation.