DEV Community

shivam kumar singh
shivam kumar singh

Posted on

Hacktoberfest T-shirt mails anyone ?

Did anyone receive T-shirt mail from Digital Ocean.
I completed the challenge but didn't get any. My deadline shows 21'st October.
Anyone out there ??

Top comments (9)

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

None of the shirts ship until after the month is over. They'll send an email to get your shipping information at that time πŸ˜„

shivam51 profile image
shivam kumar singh

Thanks ❀️.

shivam51 profile image
shivam kumar singh

Yes , even I got it this morning .

vanduc1102 profile image
Duc Nguyen

they mailed me to send an email for TShirt around 17th , but I've not received any.

bauripalash profile image
Palash Bauri πŸ‘» • Edited

Nope, Haven't Received yet πŸ˜…

Update : Got This Morning (24 Oct (UTC+0530))

jkirchartz profile image
Dr Rev J Kirchartz

I haven't seen it yet... it said it'd start mailing them around the 17th, but it's the 22nd now... be sure to check your spam folder

themafro profile image
Matthew Francis

Just got my t-shirt email.

shiveshp profile image
Shivesh Pandey

I didn't get it too man. But hope that we get it soon~

amanzishan profile image
Aman Zishan M.A

I didn't get the mail saying they shipped the item but my friends got