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Shivanshu Prajapati
Shivanshu Prajapati

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How I Mastered CSS: From Basics to Responsive Design

I'm excited to share my journey of learning CSS over the past few weeks. As an aspiring full stack developer, mastering CSS has been an important milestone for me. Here's what I learned and how I applied it to real projects.

🖌️ The Learning Journey

1. Understanding the Basics

My CSS journey began with the fundamentals—selectors, properties, and values. I started by styling simple HTML elements, learning how to:

  • Apply color, typography, and spacing.
  • Use different types of selectors like class, ID, and attribute selectors.
  • Implement basic layouts using display properties like block, inline, and inline-block.

2. Diving into Flexbox and Grid

One of the most exciting parts of learning CSS was getting hands-on with Flexbox and Grid. These powerful layout systems made it easier to create responsive and complex designs.

  • Flexbox: I learned how to align items, distribute space, and create flexible layouts. This helped me understand concepts like justify-content, align-items, and flex-direction.
  • Grid: The CSS Grid layout system was a game-changer. It allowed me to create two-dimensional layouts with rows and columns effortlessly. I played around with properties like grid-template-columns, grid-gap, and grid-area to build responsive grids.

3. Responsive Design with Media Queries

Responsive design was a key focus for me. I learned how to use media queries to adapt layouts to different screen sizes, making sure my designs looked great on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  /* Styles for devices with a width of 768px or less */
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

4. Adding Flair with Animations and Transitions

To make my websites more interactive and visually appealing, I explored CSS animations and transitions. From simple hover effects to keyframe animations, these techniques helped bring my designs to life.

.element {
  transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out;

.element:hover {
  transform: scale(1.1);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This is a basic example of adding a smooth scale effect on hover, making the UI feel more dynamic.

🚀 My CSS Project

To put everything I learned into practice, I built a responsive website as a personal project. Here are some of the key features:

  • Responsive Layout: The site adapts beautifully across different screen sizes using Flexbox, Grid, and media queries.
  • Custom Animations: Added subtle hover effects and animations to enhance the user experience.
  • Clean Code: I focused on writing clean, maintainable CSS using the BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) methodology. 👉 Check out the live demo! 👉 View the project on GitHub! Image description 🔧 Tools and Resources I Used CSS-Tricks: My go-to resource for all things CSS. Flexbox Froggy: A fun way to practice Flexbox. Grid Garden: Helped me master CSS Grid. MDN Web Docs: For detailed CSS documentation and examples. 🌟 What's Next? Now that I've got a solid grasp of CSS, I'm moving on to JavaScript to make my web pages more interactive. Stay tuned for more updates on my learning journey!

Top comments (2)

anibalcoding profile image
Anibal Cuevas

Good article. I love pure css, I maybe the odd man in this but I prefer it over most frameworks.
I also would dive into " flex: " Using flex wrap can help a ton with the grid items and navbar you built in your website example. Great job!

eliskaholwe profile image
Elis Kaholwe • Edited

Summary for Rusher

  1. Box Model, Units, Positioning
  2. Display Property
  3. Pseudo Elements & Selectors
  4. Flex-box
  5. Grids/12-Column Grids
  6. Animations ( You can skip this though if you're planning to go with Framer Motion with React, but you need to know the basics) 8.TailwindCSS for Time & Fast dev
  7. "Ye shall keep practicing"

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