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Shivanshu Prajapati
Shivanshu Prajapati

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Completed My JavaScript Learning Journey: Here’s What I Built Along the Way

Hey community! 👋

I’m excited to announce that I’ve just completed my JavaScript learning journey! It was a fun and challenging experience, but I’ve gained so much knowledge and built some cool projects.

What I Learned:

  • DOM Manipulation: Learned how to dynamically update the web page using JavaScript.
  • ES6+ Syntax: Got comfortable with modern JavaScript features like arrow functions, promises, and destructuring.
  • Asynchronous Programming: Learned how to handle API calls with the Fetch API and async/await.
  • Interactive Applications: Built interactive web apps using event handling, forms, and validation.

My Favorite Project:

One of the projects I’m most proud of is a [project name] that showcases [brief description of project]. You can check it out here: [Link to live project or GitHub repository].

Next Steps:

Now that I’ve completed the basics, I’m moving on to frameworks like React to continue building even more complex apps. Stay tuned for more updates!

Would love to hear your thoughts or suggestions!

JavaScript #WebDevelopment #FrontendDev #LearningJourney

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Top comments (1)

luis_pato_f833bd30dfee524 profile image
Luis Pato

Did you read what you posted? Maybe AI generated?!
I think you forgot to swap the [placeholder texts] with actual content... 🙈

But the screenshot from your calculator looks nice! If you want more feedback, post actual links for your app or for your code...