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Cover image for Created iPadOS/iOS browser to operate without touching
Shohei Kameda
Shohei Kameda

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Created iPadOS/iOS browser to operate without touching

I bought iPad Pro and found that I need to touch screen to move pages. I know there is browser extension, like Vimium to operate with only keyboard. To move page, use "hit-a-hint". I like this idea and wanted to have the app. I looked for App store but I unabled to find it. Ok, it's time to develop it by myself. I spent 5 months to build this. I used React Native as I had experience on it.

I named this app as Wazari Brower and this can be downloaded from here. I wrote documentation here

This is an open source project and able to see the code inside from the github repository. Iโ€™m sure there are tons of bugs there, so any bug report is welcome (and also PR :) )

Iโ€™ve also found that iOS doesnโ€™t support keyboard key configuration. So I added this function to replace capslock and ctrl. The final feature is folloing. I hope you like this.


  • Customizable shortcuts to operate browser. e.g. Change tabs without touching screen.
  • Panes to split views vertiacally or horizontally.
  • Hit-A-Hint - without touching, click links to move pages.
  • Customizable modifiers. e.g. swap capslock with ctrl key.
  • Customizable default search engine - DuckDuckGo or Google
  • Exclude web sites not to use keymapping. Some dynamic web site doesn't use Input type=text or textarea, which Wazari keymapping doesn't work. But you can exclude these website so you can still type on it.
  • Histories to go back easily
  • Integrated to Wazaterm so you can terminal - I had a separate project for this. I wanted to integrate with it too.

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