This article is the 1st day of the Advent Calendar 2021 of Wazaterm, an online Linux terminal for hackers.
What is Wazaterm?
I'm developing a web application called Wazaterm, which is a browser-based Linux Terminal application. Wazaterm is a web app that allows you to use a Linux Terminal as a web app from your browser. It seems to be part of the Online Linux Terminal genre that gets a lot of traffic from search keywords, but the best way to describe it is a combination of VPS + SSH + α.
In this year's Advent Calendar, I'd like to introduce how to use Wazaterm and Terminal software to make the best use of Wazaterm.
The following is a video demonstration. In addition to using the shell from the browser, you can also use it as a PWA as one independent application so that you can switch between applications with Command+Tab.
Since it is used in a browser, it works from any platform (Windows, macOS, iPad, Chromebook) without installing an SSH client, and you can use an SSH client since an SSH port is available.
I use a Mac in my shared office, an iPad at home, and a Chromebox at the headquarter office to do my Rails, React, and React Native development on a single Wazaterm terminal. You can go to your workplace without anything and work in the same environment, or you can take your iPad and a keyboard on a trip and do light work. I also think that browsers will be (or are) included in devices like VR and AR in the future. I haven't tried it myself yet, but it is possible to use a single terminal for such new devices.
There is also a development style called Remote Development that is gaining attention. For example, VS Code Remote development allows you to set up an IDE process on the server-side and access it remotely for development. Many developers prefer emacs or Vim to IDEs (I am one of them). You can also use it as an IDE with Wazaterm+ssh+code server.
The M1 Mac is quiet with no fan running, but Wazaterm is remote and doesn't even use local CPU/memory. It is absolutely silent. It works fine even with low spec devices.
As you can see from the Price page, you can start with less than $2/month.
That's it for Wazaterm for now. Tomorrow, I'll explain the features of the service in more detail.
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