I have been working on improving the performance of some large e-commerce sites lately and that is when I came across #30DaysOfWebPerf on Twitter. This made me think, if I could learn more by embarking on this 30 day long journey and in the process also share some of the knowledge I have. Some topics, I think, I will cover as part of this will include.
- Let's tackle the Images (obviously)
- Cleaning up the critical render path
- Cleaning up unused CSS
- Cleaning up unused Javascript
- Cleaning up the DOM
- Dealing with third party scripts
- Measuring performance
- Resources you can learn from
Follow me on Twitter @shreerangp for the #30DaysOfWebPerf series, or on #DEVcommunity where I'll post the thread for each day in the series at https://dev.to/shreerangp/30daysofwebperf-4kh9
#30DaysOfWebPerf Series

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