Let's begin the React Native Picture...
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React Native is a cross-platform framework that helps to develop a mobile application using javascript and the so-called JS framework React Native. It is similar to React in functionality and under-the-hood logic, with one more addition of layer called JS bridge which helps this hybrid code to conversate with native code written in (especially used in mobile devices).
Today we will be covering the simple list of top UI libraries that helps you to build the whole application without struggling with basic styling and functionalities.
1. React Native Elements —
This library has 20K Github stars with more than 25 components to support. Their community is also decent in size and current issues in progress/raised were 30 plus.
2. React Native Paper-
This library has 7.8K stars on Github and provides more than 30 components support. This library is hight extensible and easy to integrate. No extra layering is required to integrate it with bare React-Native or with managed Expo.
3. React NativeBase
They have 14K Github stars and doing pretty well in the market so far, their blog section is very helpful in developing all types of products, features, and animations in React Native.
4. React Native UI kitten
This library has 8K stars but the components Demo on the website is quite compelling. They divide every component on the basis of its requirements, for example, we generally need buttons, radio and toggle when we need some data from the user so these components are categorised under the Forms section and so on.
5. React Native Material Kit
This library has 4.5K stars, but its set of components with the Ripple effect like Material Design provides comprehending experience to the users. In addition, they are aiming to provide the same UI experience in mobile devices and desktop applications.
I've just released Perfect React Native Roadmap Template, have a look and get the template, I am sure it will certainly help you to learn react-native.
Have a look

Until next time, have a good day & Keep developing
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