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Cover image for CSS | Trigonometry Circle
Shubham Tiwari
Shubham Tiwari

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CSS | Trigonometry Circle

Hello Frondend developers, today i will show you how to create a circular element layout with css trigonometry functions sin and cos. We will be using SASS for this just for the easy implemention.

Credit - @kevinpowell

Full Code with Example

Real example with images

Let's get started...


 <div class="parent">
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
  <div class="circle"></div>
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  • We have created a parent container and inside it we have 12 elements as its children


Basic stylings

html {
  color-scheme: dark light;
body {
  min-height: 100vh;
  display: grid;
  place-items: center;
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  • The html rule specifies a color scheme for the HTML document, which could be either "dark" or "light."

  • The body rule sets the minimum height of the body to 100% of the viewport height (100vh) and centers its content both vertically and horizontally using CSS Grid.

Parent container

.parent {
  width: 50px;
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  background: lightblue;
  border-radius: 50%;
  position: relative;
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  • It's a circular container with a light blue background.
  • The aspect-ratio property ensures that the container maintains a 1:1 aspect ratio (i.e., it remains a perfect circle).
  • border-radius makes the container circular.
  • position: relative positions the container relative to its normal position in the document flow.

Child elements styles

.circle {
  --size: 25px;
  --offset: 100px;
  --transformX: calc(cos(var(--degrees)) * var(--offset));
  --transformY: calc(sin(var(--degrees)) * var(--offset));
  width: var(--size);
  aspect-ratio: 1;
  border-radius: 50%;
  background-color: orangered;
  position: absolute;
  left: calc(var(--size) / 2);
  top: calc(var(--size) / 2);
  transform: translate(var(--transformX), var(--transformY));
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  • size variable is used to set the width of the childrens, --offset will be used to push the elements away from the center about 100px.
  • transformX and transformY, these two will adjust the positioning of the childrens at a particular angle away from the center by offset value. We have passed these to the transform translate property.

Smaller viewport -

@media screen and (max-width: 580px) {
  --size: 18px;
  --offset: 72px;
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  • We are justing reducing the size and offset for smaller viewports.

Childrens positioning

$colors: (
$total: 12;
@for $i from 1 through length($colors) {
  .circle:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
    --degrees: calc(#{$i} * (360deg / #{$total}));
    background-color: nth($colors, $i);
    border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    animation: blink ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    animation-delay: #{$i * .1}s;
    animation-duration: 2s;
    transform-origin: center;
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  • This block uses SCSS (Sass) syntax to create an array of colors ($colors) and then iterates through the colors to create individual circle styles.
  • degree variable calculates the angle for each circle individually.(Example - 1 * 360/12 = 30, 2 * 360/12 = 60, ....)It will always divide the 360 into total number of childrens and position them at the angle using transform translate property.
  • Each circle is assigned a background color from the $colors array.They have a border, and a CSS animation called "blink" is applied to each circle. The animation alternates between two states, creating a blinking effect.
  • animation-delay and animation-duration are adjusted based on the loop index ($i) to control the timing of the animations.
  • transform-origin: center ensures that each circle will remain around its center.


@keyframes blink {
    scale: 1;
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  • Its a simple animation effect by scaling up and down the circles.

Feel free to give suggestions in comments to improve the component and make it more reusable and efficient.
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^^You can help me with some donation at the link below Thank you👇👇 ^^
☕ --> <--

Also check these posts as well

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Top comments (2)

jon_snow789 profile image
Jon Snow •

One tip for you.

You can make this type of card of your previous post

use this

{% link %}
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shubhamtiwari909 profile image
Shubham Tiwari •

Thanks man, will use it from now on

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