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Shubham Tiwari
Shubham Tiwari

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Javascript | String Methods

Hello my beginner frontend developers, today i will be showing Javascript string methods in 2 different categories - Important and rarely used.

Let's get started...

Important String methods

const str = "Hello World";


// 1. length - 11 - returns the string length including spaces

// 2. search - true - search for the passed regex and returns boolean
const stringSearch ="World");

// 3. slice
 * The slice() method extracts a section of a string and 
 * returns the extracted part in a new string, without modifying the original string.
 * It can accept 2 parameters - start-index(inclusive) and end-index(exclusive)
const stringSlice = str.slice(0, 5); // Hello - Extracts first 5 characters from the string

// 4. toLowerCase - hello world - converts entire string to lowercase
const stringToLowerCase = str.toLowerCase();

// 5. toUpperCase - HELLO WORLD -  converts entire string to uppercase
const stringToUpperCase = str.toUpperCase();

// 6. trim - remove the white space from start and end of the strings
const stringTrim = str.trim();

// 7. startsWith - true - check if the string starts with the passed string value
const stringStartsWith = str.startsWith("Hell");

// 8. includes - true - check if the string includes the passed string value
const stringIncludes = str.includes("Hello");
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Rarely used

// 9. indexOf - Returns the position of the first occurrence of a given string
const stringIndexOf = str.indexOf("World"); // 6

// 10. charAt - Returns the character at the specified index
const stringCharAt = str.charAt(0); // H

// 11. charCodeAt - Returns the Unicode of the character at the specified index
const stringCharCodeAt = str.charCodeAt(0); // 72

// 12. substring - Returns the part of the string from the start index to the end index
const stringSubstring = str.substring(0, 5); // Hello

// 13. lastIndexOf - Returns the position of the last occurrence of a given string
const stringLastIndexOf = str.lastIndexOf("World"); // 6

// 14. split - Splits a string into an array of substrings using the specified separator which is empty space here
const stringSplit = str.split(" "); // [ 'Hello', 'World' ]

// 15. replace - Replaces first occurrence of a substring
const stringReplace = str.replace("World", "JS"); // Hello JS

// 16. replaceAll - Replaces all occurrences of a substring (ES11)
const stringReplaceAll = str.replaceAll("World", "JS"); // Hello JS

// 17. repeat - Returns a new string with the specified number of copies of the original string
const stringRepeat = str.repeat(3); // Hello WorldHello WorldHello World

// 18. endsWith - Checks if a string ends with the specified string
const stringEndsWith = str.endsWith("ld"); // true

// 19. concat - Concatenates two or more strings and returns a new string
const stringConcat = str.concat("Mr.", "HTML"); // Hello WorldMr.HTML
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Which method according to you is more or less important in a real world project?

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Top comments (4)

lionelrowe profile image
lionel-rowe • Edited
// 2. search - true - search for the passed string and returns boolean
const stringSearch ="World");

No, it searches for the passed regex and returns a number (the index of the match). If a string is passed, it's coerced to a regex before searching.

'abc.'.search('.') // 0
'$abc'.search('$') // 4
'[abc'.search('[') // throws Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression
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shubhamtiwari909 profile image
Shubham Tiwari

Yeah true, thanks for covering these cases

nomanabid2016 profile image
Noman Abid

Please correct your 5th point

shubhamtiwari909 profile image
Shubham Tiwari

Thanks for the correction bro 🫡