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Shyamal Joshi
Shyamal Joshi

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5 VS Code Extensions which I use extensively[2021]🤩

What are the Extensions in VScode 🤔? Actually without VScode Extensions life way so boring🥱.Extensions provides you more productivity as a Developer. So see listed Extensions and download it and use it. Thank me latter😁.

1.Live Server:

I think this is the most basic extension every web developer must use and most of you already have this extension.

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Install the Extension by clicking here

2.Auto Close Tag

Oh dude it's too boring to add closing tags😣, and sometimes we got stuck in the hierarchy if we don't close tag but now Auto Close Tag Extension is here for us😎
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Install the Extension by clicking here

3.Prettier Formatter for Visual Studio Code:

Did you ever noticed that your code doesn't have proper hierarchy and for that reason even you yourself don't able to debug the code. Trust me its a very bad nightmare 😖.

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Install the Extension by clicking here

4.Bracket Pair Colorizer 2:

This is also a good extension for the same hierarchy problem, By using this extension you can colorize your bracket pairs.

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Install the Extension by clicking here

5.Auto Rename Tag:

Guys we are at our last extension as the name suggest this extension , If you rename your any one of tag then automatically this tag will rename the other tag also.

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Install the Extension by clicking here

Top comments (4)

demonicirfan profile image
Irfan Asif • Edited

Nice work Shyamal

Some more extensions -
Git Graph --> git graph of your repositoty
Elm Emmet --> support emmet, faster workflow
Fast Arrow --> use faa to create Javascript arrow functions faster.
TabOut --> Tab out of quotes, brackets, etc

Try TabOut and FastArrow you will love them.

shyamaljoshi profile image
Shyamal Joshi

Gr8 bro will include this in upcoming blogs😌

ishthumber profile image
Ish Thumber

Try using "TABNINE" a great auto AI Extension for VS code.

shyamaljoshi profile image
Shyamal Joshi

Yes but this is not promotional 🤫🤫