Overview of My Submission
Online marketplace for freelance digital services where you can buy and sell gigs. You can hire a freelancer as well as work as one.
Has implemented user profile including Google’s social login and it’s completely responsive.
Built with:
- HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Handlebars
- npm / MongoDB / NodeJS / ExpressJS
- Stripe / Mapbox / Nodemailer / Cloudinary / PassportJS
Submission Category:
E-Commerce Creation
Link to Code
CRUD Web App e-commerce made in JavaScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB. It's the second project for web development full stack bootcamp Ironhack.
M2 -
How it looks

Online marketplace for freelance digital services where you can buy and sell gigs. You can hire a freelancer as well as work as one.
Built with
- HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Handlebars
- npm / MongoDB / NodeJS / ExpressJS
- Stripe / Mapbox / Nodemailer / Cloudinary / PassportJS
User Stories
- 404 - As users, we want to see a nice 404 error page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that we know it was our fault. 🙊
- 500 - As users, we want to see a nice 500 error page when the team behind the app brokes something and it's not our fault. 🦦
- Homepage - As users, we want to be able to access the homepage and select by category service and search by specific service. 🦁
- Category page - As users, we want to…
Top comments (4)
you have been working on it since 22 April this is not fair.
That’s not precise. I’ve work on that project during less time than max allowed. Check git commit dates. 👍🏼
What do you mean? It's already on github. You can check the link in the post.