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Why you should pick D3 js when building charts next time.

Visualization is an essential part of front-end development. There are many solutions to build these charts. However, I can argue that the D3 library is the best solution for achieving such tasks. When building simple line chart to complex charts like a racing bar chart, D3 have you sorted.

They say "Never as a butcher, if meat is tender", and as a D3 enthusiast, I can be biased on the topic. However, if you give me a few minutes I can persuade you on this one.

Data visualization with D3
The Internet has grown to be the most powerful tool for sharing information. All professionals have embraced this tool as a means to communicate with their clients and other stakeholders.

An economist can share their economic growth or inflation rate trend charts and journalists get to communicate the spread of a disease in a given geographic location through an interactive map. As a developer, when I am met with these scenarios, D3 js is always my tool of choice.

Pros of using D3

There are many benefits to choosing D3 when building various visualizations: They include
1. Builds many types of charts
D3 is a Swiss knife when it comes to visualizations. It handles simple and complex visualizations. The following charts can be built with D3. It is safe to say, that D3 has all your chart needs to be covered from a simple line chart to a spider chart.


  • Line, Area, and Bar Chart
  • Pie, Donut, and Bubble Chart
  • Scatter Plot
  • Heatmap and Treemap
  • Stacked Bar and Stacked Area Chart
  • Box Plot
  • Choropleth Map
  • Network Graph
  • Force-Directed Graph
  • Radar Chart
  • Sunburst Chart
  • Sankey Diagram

2. Highly customizable charts
D3 has a way of making its customers feel in control. One can design custom charts and implement them using the library. The library gives power to developers to control a visualization appearance and also visual elements' behavior. It can bring to life unique visualization to fit specific requirements. This helps to produce custom charts such as racing bar charts and others. The library makes use of SVG elements like path, line and rect to create complex charts.

3. Highly interactive charts
The library has features that support the creation of highly interactive charts. Users can interact with these charts through clicking, zooming, hovering, and dragging elements. Interactivity adds functionality to visualization and assists in communicating complex data more effectively.

4. Trust professionals
If there is still any doubt on why D3 is a tool for choice for building visualizations, then listen to Journalists from the New York Times and Reuters. They have embraced the library with the New York Times employing the creator of D3 to handle visualization for the organization.


Endorsement from these big organizations means the library will continue improving for the foreseeable future. Many developers are skeptical on embracing technologies as they fear it will fail in the future. In the case of D3, the library is on a positive trajectory and it is expected to continue growing and improving.

5. Huge community and Ecosystem
The library enjoys a huge, strong and active community. This allows developers to get examples, resources and tutorials with ease. It can be frustrating for developers when they get stuck on a problem on a given technology and lack resources or tutorials. D3 js enjoys a huge wealth of community support and documentation and this allows learners to embrace the library with ease.

6. Integration with web technologies
The library has built to work seamlessly with web technologies such as CSS, HTML and SVG. This has made the technology get integrated into web applications. Its seamless integration with web technologies has allowed charts from the library to work well with other libraries and front-end frameworks such as Svelte, React Js and Vue Js.

Cons of using D3 JS

The only downside of using D3 comes from a steep learning curve. First, the library requires a strong background in Javascript and other web technologies such as HTML and CSS. Individuals learning D3 without understanding these web technologies end up with constant frustrations.


D3 JS is the best solution for creating custom visualization on the website. The library can build a wide range of charts and has been embraced by journalists and economists. The library is built to work seamlessly with web technologies and has a huge and active community.

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