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Kevin Ruhl
Kevin Ruhl

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Immutably remove object properties in JavaScript

Most of us have at one point in time needed to remove an object property for whatever reason (i.e. a runtime condition was successfully evaluated, a server response was received, etc.). In these cases, arguably the most commonly used approach was to use the built-in JavaScript delete operator which will attempt to remove a given property from an object, if that property exists. This is a perfectly reasonable way of removing an object’s property in the language, but there are some caveats around it that may cause foot shootings if not careful. The most noticeable problem to this approach is in the inherently mutable nature of the delete operator. It mutates the underlying object reference, therefore mutating the original object and causing unwanted side effects.

In this article, I will first give an example of removing a property from an object using the delete operator, and will then present a safer alternative approach that uses object destructuring along with the rest operator to accomplish the same.

The NOT RECOMMENDED mutable approach

First things first, let’s remove a property from an object literal using the delete operator:

const person = {
    name: "foo",
    age: 34

function removeObjPropertyMutably(obj, key) {
    delete obj[key]

removeObjPropertyMutably(person, "name")

console.log(person) // prints out { age: 34 }
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However, there are some drawbacks to point out when using the delete operator:

  1. It will mutate the object reference in memory (i.e. it will not create a new copy).

  2. It is only capable of removing one property at a time. Meaning, if your use case requires removing multiple properties, then your code will look a little something like this:

const person = {
  name: "joe",
  age: 33,
  email: "",
  isOnline: false,
  hasPets: true

delete person.isOnline
delete person.hasPets
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The RECOMMENDED immutable approach

Now, let’s see a better and safer alternative to removing object properties using destructuring and rest operator/syntax:

const person = {
    name: "foo",
    age: 34

function removeObjPropertyImmutably(obj, key) {
    const { [key]: removedProp, ...objRest } = obj
    return objRest

const updatedPerson = removeObjPropertyImmutably(person, "name")

console.log(updatedPerson) // prints out { age: 34 }
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Notice that in doing …objectRest , we are creating a new copy of the passed in object (in this case person) after having removed the target property (name) by dynamically destructuring and aliasing said property. Aliasing in this case refers to naming the variable that will hold the value of the key we want to remove. This way, we can reference it later if we need to.

This approach has the benefit of simultaneously allowing the deletion of multiple properties by means of a single operation. Personally, I find this very handy and practical:

const person = {
  name: "joe",
  age: 33,
  email: "",
  isOnline: false,
  hasPets: true
const { email, isOnline, hasPets, ...personRest} = person
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In the above code snippet, you can see that we are destructuring the keys which we wish to remove — email, isOnline, and hasPets. These are kept in memory as variables that can be accessed if needed to.

So, next time you have a use case to remove a property from an object, you can do so in an immutable and safer manner :)

Final Thoughts

Wrapping it up, whenever I need to to remove object properties in JavaScript, I opt for using destructuring and rest syntax as I consider it a cleaner and safer option when compared to doing it via the mutable delete operator. Which approach are you currently using in the projects you’re working on? Is there another (better?) alternative besides the two mentioned here? Let me know what you think.

Take it easy and see you on the next one!

PS: I have not measured the Big O of either of these techniques, so happy to hear comparison benchmarks if anyone wants to share them :)

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