Hello coders,
I just finished this curated list with handcrafted boilerplate code for developers to help them start their projects. I'm using constantly these starters, to kick off faster small projects coded in React, Vue, and Python. PHP is not present anymore in my development, but a few items were added just to have a complete list. The list will have a few items per category, in order to remain relevant for the audience.
Thanks for reading! - Content provided by App Generator.
What is a Boilerplate
In programming, boilerplate code is a piece of software that can be reused over and over without changing a single line of code. The whole idea behind a starter (sometimes boilerplate code) is to skip coding that piece of code common to many projects.
✨ React Soft Dashboard fullstack
Start your Development with an Innovative Admin Template for Material-UI and React. Soft UI Dashboard React is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout.
🚀 Built with React App Generator
- ✅ Innovative Soft UI Design - Crafted by Creative-Tim
- ✅ React, Redux, Redux-persist
- ✅ Authentication:
JWT Tokens
, - ✅
via GitHub - ✅ Full-stack ready using:
Node API
free product
Node API Mongo
free product
Node API
✨ React Purity Dashboard fullstack
Start your Development with an Innovative Admin Template for Chakra UI and React. Purity UI Dashboard is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, navtabs, cards or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.
🚀 Built with React App Generator
- ✅ Innovative Chakra UI Design - Creafted by Creative-Tim
- ✅ React, Redux, Redux-persist
- ✅ Authentication: JWT Login/Register/Logout
- ✅ Full-stack ready using Node JS API Server (open-source project)
- Features: Typescript / SQLite / TypeORM / Joy (validation) / Passport library -
- Features: Typescript / SQLite / TypeORM / Joy (validation) / Passport library -
React Node JS Berry
Berry is a creative free React Dashboard build using the Material-UI by CodedThemes agency. It is meant to be the best User Experience with highly customizable feature-riched pages. It is a complete game-changer React Dashboard Template with easy and intuitive responsive design as on retina screens or laptops. The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout.
- 👉 React Nodejs Berry - product page
- 👉 React Nodejs Berry - LIVE Demo (UI only)
Nodejs - Argon Dashboard React
Reactstrap Admin Dashboard built for Nodejs - a fully coded “frontend + backend” solution (MERN stack). It is open-source, free and it features many components that can help you create amazing websites.
- Nodejs - Argon Dashboard React - product page
- More React Dashboards - provided by Creative-Tim
Full-Stack Boilerplate Code
UI-Ready web apps, coded with basic features (login, register) and backend.
- Flask Vuejs - Argon Design - Free, MIT License
- Laravel Vuejs - Argon Design - Free, MIT License
Express Vuejs - Argon Design - Free, MIT License
Flask React - Material Design - Free, MIT License
React Express - Material Design - Free, MIT License
Laravel React - Material Design - Free, MIT License
Flask Boilerplate Code
- Flask Dashboard Black - UI-Ready admin panel coded in Flask
- Flask Dashboard Light Blue design crafted by FlatLogic, coded by AppSeed
- Flask Dashboard Argon
- Cookiecutter Flask - a flask template with Bootstrap 4, asset bundling+minification with webpack, starter templates, and registration/authentication - sources
Nodejs Boilerplate Code
Nodejs Starter Hackathon - this Nodejs Boilerplate has more than 26k Github start and is equipped with many useful features like authentication, Bootstrap4 integration, SaaS support, modular and very easy to use - sources, live demo
Nodejs Starter API Kit - this starter is supported actively by a company and comes with tooling for authoring data API backends with Nodejs and GraphQL, out of the box - sources
Nodejs Starter Serverless is a Nodejs starter for the Serverless Framework with async/await and unit test support. The project is actively supported by Frank Wang with 450 Github stars. This starter got my attention mainly for the serverless concept, which is a raising concept in web development nowadays - sources
React Boilerplate Code
Create React App - the official React app scaffolding tool, actively supported by Facebook sources
Next - Is more than a boilerplate, is a Framework built on top of React - sources
React Production Starter - with this starter, we can easily create server-rendered universal JavaScript applications with no configuration - sources
React Boilerplate - A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices - sources
Vue Boilerplate Code
TypeScript Vue Starter is a starter template for TypeScript and Vue with a detailed README describing how to use the two together. Supported by Microsoft - sources
Nuxt.js - The Vue.js Framework - Nuxt.js presets all the configuration needed to make your development of a Vue.js application enjoyable. Nuxt.js can produce Universal, Single Page, and Static Generated Applications - sources
Quasar Framework - is an MIT licensed open-source Vue.js based framework, which allows you as a web developer to quickly create responsive++ websites/apps in many flavors: SPA, PWA, SSR - sources
Django Boilerplate Code
- Cookiecutter Django - A popular Django starter powered by Cookiecutter a command-line utility that creates projects from project templates.
- Django Hackathon Starter - A boilerplate application for Django web applications with more than 1.4k stars and ~= 272 Github forks
- Django Gentelella Template - A simple and popular Django starter with Gentelella UI Kit integrated.
- Django React Boilerplate - a popular Python starter that user React for UI and a decoupled (Django) backend
- Django Docker Boilerplate - a modern Django Rest starter with Redis, RabbitMQ and Celery integrated.
Laravel Boilerplate Code
Laravel 5 Boilerplate - Laravel Boilerplate installs like a regular Laravel application. If you've done it once, you've done it a million times - sources
Laravel Auth - Laravel 5.8 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection - sources
This is an opened list, please suggest new starters in the comments.
- Boilerplate Code - Open-source Starters
- Nodejs Starter - Open-Source Boilerplate Code
- Boilerplate code - wikipedia page
- Boilerplate code - index provided by AppSeed
- Boilerplate code on Github - open-source boilerplates
Thank you!
Top comments (1)
I am also looking for Node/TS/React/Vue (REST or GraphQL) starters and boilerplates.
I did not find any so far, but noticed NestJS and more recently FoalTS.
Frontend side, i my ideal setup would be CRA/VueCLI of course, but with MaterialUI/Vuetify (M-UI is now TS-based, and Vuetify provides an "à-la-carte" builder).
Sidenote: i heard lot of issues with Next, something related to their ankward routing (?). On other hand, poeple are praising Nuxt.