Hello Coders!
The video mentioned in this article demonstrates how to deploy LIVE full-stack projects using only the URL of the target repository as input. The implementation uses an open-source Python Library that builds a simplified interface over Render, the infrastructure used for deployment.
During the demonstration, three projects are deployed
via a drag & drop
gesture without touching the code or even pulling the sources locally. Thanks for reading!
The resources
used in this material:
- π App Generator -
free service
(no account required) - π Render API Wrapper -
free library
(MIT License) - π LIVE Deployer - service available for
PRO Users
(not free)
VIDEO Transcript
- β Access the LIVE Deployer tool
- β Explain the concept
- β Generate a new React & NodeJS product
- β
the generated projectusing Drag & Drop
- β Deploy LIVE React Horizon UI
- β Deploy LIVE Flask API Server
- β
Horizon UI
to use theFlask API
Thanks for reading!
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Top comments (6)
Looks super nice.
Any chances to support other platforms? (DO, Railway)
Once the Python wrapper is stable and also migrated to Node, Railway is next.
Thank you for reading!
Thank you for this nice work.
Might be a good idea to offer a trial.
That drag & drop for sure will attract beginners (and not only).
Trial is a good idea and for sure might help.
Great post! ππ»ππ»ππ»
ty! :)