DEV Community

Thorsten Weber
Thorsten Weber

Posted on

What did you learn today - Lessons learned - TIL? And how do you manifest it?

What was your todays lessons that you learned (TIL),
and what did you do to manifest it, implement it to your personal knowledgebase or in your mind?

What kind of fact did you get to know about in live?
What kind of function / pattern etc. did you learn today?
Why is it important for you?

Just write down, what comes to your mind...

Top comments (2)

reidterror profile image

Currently started studying linear algebra so i can fully understand and comprehend theoretical computer science books. Its been haunting me for a while, the absence of confidence in my maths. Decided to do something about it and stop feeling sorry for myself!

erikaheidi profile image
Erika Heidi

I learned how to create an animated gif from a terminal screencast video :D it's pretty cool for small things. something like:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -r 4 -s 1280x720 -pix_fmt rgb24 test.gif

here's the result:
