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Basti Ortiz
Basti Ortiz

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Node.js: Breaking JavaScript out of the browser since 2009

A Brief History of JavaScript

JavaScript has always been the programming (or rather scripting) language of the Web. It is a far cry from its humble beginnings when it was first introduced in 1995. In fact, it wasn't even called JavaScript back then. During its early development, it was initially called Mocha, which was a word play on Java, one of the most popular programming languages for web servers at the time. It was then changed to LiveScript when it was first released in the web browser Netscape Navigator. Finally, it was later renamed to JavaScript. It was very limited before. It was merely a scripting language that allowed the common web page maker to alert('Welcome to my website!') a visitor.

NOTE: There is a great talk by Ben Ilegbodu that describes how Web Development was during that time.

Thanks to improvements made on the language by the ECMAScript specification, JavaScript became what it is today. It is the programming language of the Web. It is the programming language of browsers. Due to its ubiquity, it became one of the Three Pillars of the Web, along with HTML and CSS.

The Birth of Node.js

All was fine until there became a need for JavaScript to run outside of the browser. So in 2009, through the initiative of Ryan Dahl, Node.js was born.

Node.js is a free, open-source JavaScript runtime. What does this mean? Well, it means that it allows JavaScript to run outside of the browser and in any platform. Any JavaScript code that one writes will run in any system that has Node.js installed. It is essentially making the "cross-platform" aspect of the Web available to everyone.

Why Node.js?

Node.js exposes APIs that are not available in a browser environment. These APIs have less restrictions to the operating system. For example, one can use the File System API to access and manipulate the file system of an operating system. It gives the developer basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations on the file system. For security reasons, that cannot be done in browsers. Basically, JavaScript becomes more powerful (and dangerous) because of Node.js.

There are times when we need to include external code into our own code. For example, if we want to use jQuery, we insert a <script> tag that imports its functionalities. The same goes for normal scripts we write ourselves. We can simply import any JavaScript file with the <script> tag. However, this can become cumbersome in a larger scale. Imagine having to manually manage hundreds of dependencies. That will surely drive someone to insanity! That is where Node.js comes to the rescue. Node.js provides a way to manage dependencies, or "packages" as it is called in Node.js jargon. When one downloads and installs Node.js, it comes with the Node.js Package Manager (NPM). In a nutshell, through the NPM registry, external packages can be imported into one's projects as dependencies. More on that will be discussed later.

All of these features are great and all, but what is Node.js used for?

  • Servers
  • Database management
  • Web applications
  • Desktop and mobile applications
  • "Internet of Things" applications
  • Robotics

Getting Started with Node.js

One can download two versions of Node.js. For now, it doesn't really matter which one to choose. If it helps, I use the Current version myself.

  • The Long-Term Support version is considered to be the most stable. It is updated only when necessary with bug fixes and basic maintenance. This version is preferred in production environments.
  • The Current version is considerably stable. It is frequently updated with new features. Given the quicker update cycle, it has the most modern APIs and technologies for developers to try out.

After going through the installation process, one can test it out by opening the command prompt. If the installation is successful, running node -v will output the installed version of Node.js.

Now that we know Node.js has been installed, we can run the node command to start the JavaScript interpreter. At this point, Node.js allows you to write JavaScript. It's basically the Console in the DevTools but in the command prompt. To exit out of the interpreter, press Ctrl + C twice or type in .exit.

We can type in all the JavaScript we want in the interpreter, but what if we want to run JavaScript files? Well, Node.js can do that, too. First, we make sure that we are in the directory where the file is located. We can do that by running cd /path/to/the/file until we are in the correct directory. Once there, we can type node <filename> to run the file. For example, we type node filename.js to run filename.js. We can even omit the .js file extension by typing node filename instead. Node.js implies that filename is a JavaScript file.

NOTE: There is no such thing as a global window object in Node.js. Instead, the global object is unsurprisingly called the global object.

Getting Started with NPM

As mentioned earlier, NPM provides an easier way to manage dependencies. Let's say we wanted to use Lodash in our code. First, we initialize our new project by running npm init in the project directory. As prompted, we can fill in the necessary information about the project. A package.json file is created after. It stores all the metadata of the project.

Importing Modules

Then, we download Lodash. Assuming we're in the correct directory, we can do this by running npm install lodash. The dependency is downloaded in a folder called node_modules. This folder tends to accumulate a lot of files once we introduce more dependencies into the project. Yes, it's normal for it to have a huge file size. After the download, the package.json file keeps a record of all the dependencies of the project so you don't have to.

Once Lodash has been installed, we can create a JavaScript file in the current directory that makes use of Lodash. In this file, we can import Lodash by invoking the require function.

// Imports the functionality of Lodash in a variable named '_'
const _ = require('lodash');

// We can now use it in the file
_.join(['Node.js', 'is', 'cool!'], ' '); // 'Node.js is cool!'
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As mentioned earlier, Node.js provides a File System API. It is a built-in module that comes with every installation of Node.js. We can import this module by invoking the require function as well. Running the JavaScript file will write 'Hello World' to a text file named devto.txt.

// Imports the 'fs' module (File System API) in a variable named 'fs'
const fs = require('fs');

// Writes to a file named 'devto.txt' in the current directory
fs.writeFile('devto.txt', 'Hello World', err => console.log(err));
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The fs.writeFile method is only one of the many features the fs module offers. All of the available methods and properties of the API is described in the documentation.

Exporting Modules

Now what if we wanted to import our own code from different JavaScript files? First, we have to export the code of the JavaScript file. Then, using the require function, we can import the exported code into another file. It isn't as confusing as it sounds, really. Let's say we have four JavaScript files in the same directory named index.js, add.js, username.js, and dog.js.

The job of add.js is to provide a function that returns the sum of two inputs. We can export this functionality by assigning the add function to the module.exports property.

// add.js
function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

// Exporting the function
module.exports = add;
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The job of username.js is to export the string 'Some Dood'. That's pretty much it. Nothing more, nothing less. This is just to emphasize the fact that we can export anything. By that, I mean it is possible to assign any value of any type to module.exports. Yes, that means we can export strings, numbers, booleans, symbols, functions, classes, arrays, and objects. If we want to go crazier, we can even export null and undefined. But for now, we are exporting a simple string.

// username.js
// Exporting the string
module.exports = 'Some Dood';
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The job of dog.js is to export an object that represents a dog.

// Exporting the object
module.exports = {
  name: 'Presto',
  breed: 'Siberian Husky',
  bark: function() {
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Finally, we can import those three files into index.js by using the require function. We just have to provide the (absolute or relative) paths to the files to explicitly tell Node.js that we are importing from our files, not from the built-in modules nor from the node_modules folder of the project. As an added bonus, we can also omit the .js file extension.

// index.js
// Don't forget to provide absolute or relative paths!
const add = require('./add');
const myUsername = require('./username');
const dog = require('./dog');

const someSum = add(3, 7);
const someOtherSum = add(1, 1);

dog.bark(); // 'Bork!'
console.log(`${} is a ${dog.breed}.`); // 'Presto is a Siberian Husky.'
console.log(someSum); // 10
console.log(someOtherSum); // 2
console.log(myUsername); // 'Some Dood'
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What the require function returns is the actual value that was assigned to the respective module.exports of each file. Pretty useful, huh? Under the hood, the same is true for built-in modules and external dependencies.


Node.js' module system makes it possible to separate code into individual modules. If done correctly, these single-purpose modules can be reused in many areas of the code base, which lessens the need to rewrite code. This encourages a modular design that is easier to maintain and conduct unit tests on.

So what have we learned?

  • Node.js allows JavaScript to be run outside of the browser.
  • To help manage external dependencies, the installation comes with NPM. On top of storing the metadata of a project, the package.json file also keeps track of these dependencies.
  • Code can be separated into importable and exportable modules.

There is still much to learn. This article is merely an introduction to Node.js. There are many resources scattered around the internet that can help you in your journey towards Node.js enlightenment. Here in, we have a specific tag dedicated to all things related to Node.js. Google, YouTube, Stack Overflow, and the comments section of this article are always there for your questions. Finally, the official documentation of Node.js is the ultimate reference for everything about the software. It even has the different versions of Node.js documented.

Before I end the article, I have one final warning about Node.js for all the newcomers: beware the beast that is the node_modules folder. Happy Noding! Happy coding!

Top comments (11)

webreflection profile image
Andrea Giammarchi

Dear Some Dood, apologies for bringing this here (but there are apparently no other ways to contact you), but I think you should re-consider your avatar icon.
Best Regards.

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

😂 No need for apologies, my friend. Why do you think so? It's my signature look per se. It's my personal (unregistered) trademark.

webreflection profile image
Andrea Giammarchi
Thread Thread
somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

Oh, my. I didn't mean that at all. My avatar icon is supposed to be me waving or pointing at someone. Please don't take any offense from it. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

I'm afraid I don't want to change it (for now). I wanted a cartoonish feel around my avatar icon. Other than that, it also has some sentimental value to me.

Again, sorry if that puts you off. I really didn't mean any offense.

* I think we should be wrapping this up here. This is no place to discuss such matters.

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webreflection profile image
Andrea Giammarchi

I know you didn't mean that, but like you wrote there is room for misunderstanding.
Anyway, mine was just a suggestion, hence feel free to ignore it.

Thread Thread
somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

Thank you for understanding.

motss profile image
Rong Sen Ng

If you're interested to explore more, take a look at deno

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

Ooooh, I heard about this project. Ryan Dahl promoted it in his talk on 10 Things I Regret About Node.js. It's really interesting.

azivkovic76 profile image

fs.write('devto.txt', 'Hello World', err => console.log(err));

wrong function, you need to use writeFile, the previos one takes file description as a first input argument.

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

Whoops! My bad! Thank you for that. I have corrected the error.