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Sukhpinder Singh
Sukhpinder Singh

Posted on • Originally published at Medium

[Part 5] If You Can Answer These Additional 7 Questions Correctly, You’re Decent at .NET

Enhance your .NET knowledge with Part 5 of our interview series! Get detailed answers to complex questions on topics like IHostedService, concurrent collections, and more.

Hello .NET Enthusiasts,

Welcome to Part 5 of our C# knowledge test challenge! Please go through the series here.
C# .Net Interview Series

The next set of questions will test your knowledge of advanced .NET concepts and practices.

1. Differences Between ToList() on IEnumerable and IQueryable


  • Pulls all the data into memory, then runs the ToList() operation in memory.

  • Very helpful when dealing with in-memory collections, or when you’ve already pulled the data.

  • Massive performance overhead if dealing with large datasets; it’s pulling everything into memory.


IEnumerable<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
List<int> numberList = numbers.ToList();  // In-memory operation
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  • It translates the query into SQL and runs it against the database. Results only are loaded into memory.

  • More efficient for querying large datasets because it leaves the querying capabilities to the database server.

  • The ToList() method executes the query directly and materializes the result into a list.


IQueryable<int> numbers = dbContext.Numbers.Where(n => n > 3);
List<int> numberList = numbers.ToList();  // Database query
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Use IQueryable.ToList() for querying data from databases, and IEnumerable.ToList() for in-memory collections.

2. Global Exception Handling Middleware in ASP.NET Core

Global Exception Handling Middleware

  • ASP.NET Core middleware facilitates the global handling of exceptions, which means a universal mechanism to handle faults.

  • It will catch unhandled exceptions, log them, and return a user-friendly error response.

Example: Create Custom Exception Handling Middleware

public class ExceptionHandlingMiddleware
    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
    private readonly ILogger<ExceptionHandlingMiddleware> _logger;

    public ExceptionHandlingMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, ILogger<ExceptionHandlingMiddleware> logger)
        _next = next;
        _logger = logger;
    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
            await _next(context);
        catch (Exception ex)
            _logger.LogError(ex, "An unhandled exception occurred.");
            context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
            context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError;
            await context.Response.WriteAsync("An unexpected error occurred.");
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Register Middleware in Startup.cs

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapControllers(); });
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The central error-handling middleware contains error handling in one place and offers consistency in error response throughout the application.

3. Concurrency with ConcurrentDictionary


  • This is a thread-safe collection of pairs of key-value that provides readability as well as writability by several threads without explicit locks.

  • It is also thread-safe with fine-grained locking and lock-free implementations. So, the library can be used in any multi-threading application.

Use Cases

  • Best suited for when multiple threads are accessing and updating the same dictionary concurrently.

  • It supports high performance, even for thread-safe applications where using the common caching mechanism or shared state is prevalent.


ConcurrentDictionary<int, string> dictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, string>();

// Add items
dictionary.TryAdd(1, "Value1");

// Update an item
dictionary[1] = "UpdatedValue1";

// Retrieve an item
string value = dictionary.GetValueOrDefault(1);
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ConcurrentDictionary Is highly suitable for concurrent operation, when thread safety and performance prevail.

4. Configuration Providers in ASP.NET Core

Configuration Providers

  • JSON Configuration Provider: Reads configuration from appsettings.json files.

  • Environment Variables Provider: Reads configuration from environment variables.

  • Command-Line Provider: Reads configuration from command-line arguments.

  • In-Memory Provider: Uses an in-memory configuration source, typically for testing.

Example: Configure Multiple Providers in Startup.cs

public void ConfigureAppConfiguration(IConfigurationBuilder builder)
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Access Configuration in Code:

public class MyService
    private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
    public MyService(IConfiguration configuration)
        _configuration = configuration;
    public string GetSetting()
        return _configuration["MySetting"];
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ASP.NET Core configuration providers make it possible for you to dynamically and flexibly manage application settings from multiple sources, such as files, environment variables, or in-memory collections.

5. Lazy Initialization with Lazy


  • The object is created when it must be used; thus, its creation is postponed to the time when it must be used.

  • The object is created only once. By default, lazy objects are thread-safe.

Use Cases:

  • Resource-intensive object creation: The creation of objects is expensive, and there is no need to create an object beforehand.

  • Useful for performance enhancement because it includes no unnecessary initialization of objects that are not used.


public class Resource
    public Resource() { /* Expensive initialization */ }

public class MyService
    private readonly Lazy<Resource> _resource = new Lazy<Resource>(() => new Resource());
    public Resource GetResource()
        return _resource.Value;  // Resource is created only when needed
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Lazy relieves overhead due to resource-consuming object creation, as initialization only takes place when needed.

6. Dependency Injection Scopes in ASP.NET Core

Dependency Injection Scopes:

  • Transient: Created every time they are requested. Ideal for lightweight, stateless services.

  • Scoped: Created once per request or scope. Suitable for services that need to hold a state in one request.

  • Singleton: Created only once and it's available throughout your application. Suitable for services that hold a state over requests.

Example: Registering Services in Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<ITransientService, TransientService>();
    services.AddScoped<IScopedService, ScopedService>();
    services.AddSingleton<ISingletonService, SingletonService>();
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Using Scoped Services in a Controller:

public class MyController : Controller
    private readonly IScopedService _scopedService;
    public MyController(IScopedService scopedService)
        _scopedService = scopedService;
    public IActionResult Index()
        // Use _scopedService
        return View();
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Exploring the range of services in ASP.NET Core: services play correctly with the different kinds of lifetimes, from a request-scoped to an application-wide singleton scope.

7. Using IHostedService for Background Tasks


  • Provides an abstraction on which you can execute background services or tasks within an ASP.NET Core application.

  • Allows for long or periodically running jobs in the background.

Example: Implementing a Background Service

public class MyBackgroundService : BackgroundService
    private readonly ILogger<MyBackgroundService> _logger;

    public MyBackgroundService(ILogger<MyBackgroundService> logger)
        _logger = logger;
    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            _logger.LogInformation("Background service is running.");
            await Task.Delay(10000, stoppingToken);  // Delay 10 seconds
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Registering the Background Service Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
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IHostedService is useful to run some scheduled jobs or periodic operations in ASP.NET Core applications.

So, how did you do?

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